
 - What does Epoz mean?

    Nothing special. Don't break your mind! Sounds nice and is simply
    Zope turned around. Long history for that one...

 - Will Epoz be maintained in the future? I've heard of Kupu...
    Yes, it will. The Kupu-project (formerly know as Epoz 1.X)
    will not replace Epoz 0.x in any of my applications, because
    I need a "simple, but rock-stable solution". I'll maintain, support
    and develop Epoz therefore in the future.
 - Does Epoz work with Opera, Konqueror, Safari, Mac-IE, ...?

    No! No chance to make it work. Epoz uses a rich-text-feature
    which is only supported by IE >=5.5 and Mozilla >= 1.3 (or other
    recent Gecko-based browsers). But there are rumors that Opera
    and Safari will implement a rich-text-engine in upcoming
    releases. We'll see...

 - Can I use several Epoz-Widgets in one page (e.g. for Archetypes)?

    No, you can't and I have no idea how to make this work. If someone can
    provide a patch (several people tried hard, but found no solution),
    I'm fine and you will get famous, if not, that's the end of the story.

 - How can I get relative URLs from Epoz?

    Install the shipped EpozPostTidy-Hook. Create an External Method
    as described in the README.txt to make it work. Very simple.

 - Why doesn't Epoz support different fonts or sizes?

    Simple answer: because I don't like crazy people playing with fonts and
    different font-sizes. All fonts or sizes should be set in stylesheets
    and not in the content. If you want this feature, please do it yourself.

 - How can I get valid XHTML from Epoz?

    Simply install mxTidy (http://www.lemburg.com/files/python/mxTidy.html)
    and restart your server. Please see the mxTidyHowTo.txt provided with
    Epoz if you have problems installing mxTidy. Please note: I do NOT
    support mxTidy-problems!
 - How can I edit ZPT, DTML or JavaScript with Epoz?
    Simple answer: you can't!!! Epoz is a HTML-wysiwyg-**content**-editor,
    just a simple replacement for (Re)StructuredText for the average user.
    You CAN'T (!!!) edit any JavaScript, DTML, ZPT, PHP, ASP, JSP, PSP,
    CSP, ABC, XYZ, AWK, Python, Forth, Assembler, AmigaBasic,
    Half-Life-Mod or your haircut with Epoz... it's sad, but I have no 
    time to work on these features...;) 
 - How can I change the background-color of the Epoz-Wysiwyg-Area in Plone?
    Epoz uses the Plone-CSS for rendering the wyswyg-area. In some cases
    this might be a problem, so you want to specify another background-color
    for editing content. Simply add a customized css-definition to your
     .visualFontSizeCorrection {font-size: 75%; background-color: #e0e0e0;}