declare name 		"freeverb";
declare version 	"1.0";
declare author 		"Grame";
declare license 	"BSD";
declare copyright 	"(c)GRAME 2006";
declare reference 	"";

//						Freeverb
//		  Faster version using fixed delays (20% gain)

// Constant Parameters

fixedgain	= 0.015;
scalewet	= 3.0;
scaledry	= 2.0;
scaledamp	= 0.4;
scaleroom	= 0.28;
offsetroom	= 0.7;
initialroom	= 0.5;
initialdamp	= 0.5;
initialwet	= 1.0/scalewet;
initialdry	= 0;
initialwidth= 1.0;
initialmode	= 0.0;
freezemode	= 0.5;
stereospread= 23;
allpassfeed	= 0.5;

// Filter Parametres

combtuningL1	= 1116;
combtuningL2	= 1188;
combtuningL3	= 1277;
combtuningL4	= 1356;
combtuningL5	= 1422;
combtuningL6	= 1491;
combtuningL7	= 1557;
combtuningL8	= 1617;

allpasstuningL1	= 556;
allpasstuningL2	= 441;
allpasstuningL3	= 341;
allpasstuningL4	= 225;

// Control Sliders
// Damp : filtrage des aigus des echos (surtout actif pour des grandes valeurs de RoomSize)
// RoomSize : taille de la piece
// Dry : signal original
// Wet : signal avec reverbration

dampSlider 		= hslider("Damp",0.5, 0, 1, 0.025)*scaledamp;
roomsizeSlider 	= hslider("RoomSize", 0.8, 0, 1, 0.025)*scaleroom + offsetroom;
wetSlider 		= hslider("Wet", 0.8, 0, 1, 0.025);
drySlider 		= hslider("Dry", 0, 0, 1, 0.025);
combfeed 		= roomsizeSlider;

// Comb and Allpass filters

allpass(dt,fb) = (_,_ <: (*(fb),_:+:@(dt)), -) ~ _ : (!,_);

comb(dt, fb, damp) = (+:@(dt)) ~ (*(1-damp) : (+ ~ *(damp)) : *(fb));

// Reverb components

monoReverb(fb1, fb2, damp, spread)
	= _ <:	comb(combtuningL1+spread, fb1, damp),
			comb(combtuningL2+spread, fb1, damp),
			comb(combtuningL3+spread, fb1, damp),
			comb(combtuningL4+spread, fb1, damp),
			comb(combtuningL5+spread, fb1, damp),
			comb(combtuningL6+spread, fb1, damp),
			comb(combtuningL7+spread, fb1, damp),
			comb(combtuningL8+spread, fb1, damp)
		 	allpass (allpasstuningL1+spread, fb2)
		:	allpass (allpasstuningL2+spread, fb2)
		:	allpass (allpasstuningL3+spread, fb2)
		:	allpass (allpasstuningL4+spread, fb2)

stereoReverb(fb1, fb2, damp, spread)
	= + <: 	monoReverb(fb1, fb2, damp, 0), monoReverb(fb1, fb2, damp, spread);

// fxctrl : add an input gain and a wet-dry control to a stereo FX

fxctrl(g,w,Fx) =  _,_ <: (*(g),*(g) : Fx : *(w),*(w)), *(1-w), *(1-w) +> _,_;

// Freeverb

freeverb = vgroup("Freeverb", fxctrl(fixedgain, wetSlider, stereoReverb(combfeed, allpassfeed, dampSlider, stereospread)));

process = freeverb;