# Makefile to produce supercollider plugins with Faust:
#  'foo.dsp' -> 'foo.so|scx' and 'foo.sc'
# These two files (scsynth plugin and sclang extension), can be copied to
#  $HOME/share/SuperCollider/Extensions (Linux) or 
#  $HOME/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/Extensions (Mac OS X)
# The shell script <faust>/tools/faust2appls/faust2supercollider 
#  needs to be installed somewhere in the user's search path.

system	:= $(shell uname -s)
ifeq ($(system), Darwin)
EXT	:= scx
EXT	:= so

dspsrc := $(wildcard *.dsp)
libsrc := $(wildcard *.lib)
incsrc := $(wildcard *.h)
allsrc := $(dspsrc) $(libsrc) $(incsrc)

ifeq ($(DEST),)
	DEST := ./supercolliderdir

F2SC = faust2supercollider -sd

### allocate a unique directory for staging
TMP := $(shell mktemp -d -t F2SC.XXXXXX)
### --------------------------------------------

# NOTE: Some source files need others, so best to copy all together:
all : $(allsrc) $(DEST) $(TMP)
	cp -i $(allsrc) $(TMP) || echo "Cannot copy temp source to $(TMP)"
	(cd $(TMP); for i in $(dspsrc); do $(F2SC) $$i; done)
	mv $(TMP)/*.sc $(TMP)/*.$(EXT) $(DEST)
	rm -rf $(TMP)

	mkdir -p $(DEST)

	mkdir -p $(TMP)