declare name 		"capture";
declare version 	"1.0";
declare author 		"Grame";
declare license 	"BSD";
declare copyright 	"(c)GRAME 2006";

// 		Capture : record up to 8s of sound and
//		playback the recorded sound in loop


B = button("Capture");	// Capture sound while pressed
I = int(B);				// convert button signal from float to integer
R = (I-I') <= 0;		// Reset capture when button is pressed
D = (+(I):*(R))~_;		// Compute capture duration while button is pressed: 0..NNNN0..MMM

capture = *(B) : (+ : delay(8*65536, D-1)) ~ *(1.0-B) ;

smooth(c)	= *(1-c) : +~*(c);
level		= hslider("level (db)", 0, -96, 4, 0.1) : db2linear : smooth(0.999);

process 	= vgroup( "Audio Capture", capture : *(level) ) ;