-type value = N of int
+type index = int;;
+type time = int;;
+type basic = N of int
| R of float
- | Vec of int * (int -> value)
+ | Vec of vector
| Zero
- | W
+ | Error
+and vector = < size : int; nth : (index -> basic) >;;
+class type vector_type =
+ object
+ method size : int
+ method nth : index -> basic
+ end;;
+class type value_type =
+ object
+ method get : basic
+ method to_int : int
+ method to_float : float
+ method to_float_array : float array
+ method of_float_array : float array -> value_type
+ method to_string : string
+ method normalize : unit
+ method add : value_type -> value_type
+ method neg : value_type
+ method sub : value_type -> value_type
+ method mul : value_type -> value_type
+ method recip : value_type
+ method div : value_type -> value_type
+ method zero : value_type
+ method floor : value_type
+ method int : value_type
+ method sin : value_type
+ method cos : value_type
+ method atan : value_type
+ method sqrt : value_type
+ method atan2 : value_type -> value_type
+ method _mod : value_type -> value_type
+ method larger : value_type -> value_type
+ method smaller : value_type -> value_type
+ method max : value_type -> value_type
+ method min : value_type -> value_type
+ end;;
-(** type symbol, defines valid identifiers in faust expressions.*)
type symbol = Add
- | Sup
+ | Sub
| Mul
| Div
| Pass
| Sin
| Cos
| Atan
- | Atantwo
+ | Atan2
| Sqrt
| Rdtable
| Mod
| Vectorize
- | Concat
- | Nth
+ | Vconcat
+ | Vpick
| Serialize
| Larger
| Smaller
+ | Max
+ | Min
| Prefix
- | Selecttwo
- | Selectthree
-exception Symbol_not_defined;;
-let symbol_of_string = fun s ->
- match s with
- |"+" -> Add
- |"-" -> Sup
- |"*" -> Mul
- |"/" -> Div
- |"_" -> Pass
- |"!" -> Stop
- |"mem" -> Mem
- |"@" -> Delay
- |"floor" -> Floor
- |"int" -> Int
- |"sin" -> Sin
- |"cos" -> Cos
- |"atan" -> Atan
- |"atantwo" -> Atantwo
- |"sqrt" -> Sqrt
- |"rdtable" -> Rdtable
- |"%" -> Mod
- |"vectorize" -> Vectorize
- |"#" -> Concat
- |"[]" -> Nth
- |"serialize" -> Serialize
- |">" -> Larger
- |"<" -> Smaller
- |"prefix" -> Prefix
- |"selecttwo" -> Selecttwo
- |"selectthree" -> Selectthree
- | _ -> raise Symbol_not_defined
-type signal = int * (int -> value)
+ | Select2
+ | Select3
type faust_exp =
- Const of value
+ Const of basic
| Ident of symbol
| Par of faust_exp * faust_exp
| Seq of faust_exp * faust_exp
| Merge of faust_exp * faust_exp
-type dimension = End of (int * int)
- | Tree of (int * int) * (dimension * dimension)
+class type rate_type =
+ object
+ method to_int : int
+ method to_float : float
+ method to_string : string
+ method num : int
+ method denom : int
+ method equal : rate_type -> bool
+ method mul : int -> rate_type
+ method div : int -> rate_type
+ end
+class type signal_type =
+ object
+ method frequency : rate_type
+ method at : time -> value_type
+ method add_memory : int -> unit
+ method add : signal_type -> signal_type
+ method neg : signal_type
+ method sub : signal_type -> signal_type
+ method mul : signal_type -> signal_type
+ method div : signal_type -> signal_type
+ method delay : signal_type -> signal_type
+ method mem : signal_type
+ method vectorize : signal_type -> signal_type
+ method serialize : signal_type
+ method vconcat : signal_type -> signal_type
+ method vpick : signal_type -> signal_type
+ method floor : signal_type
+ method int : signal_type
+ method sin : signal_type
+ method cos : signal_type
+ method atan : signal_type
+ method atan2 : signal_type -> signal_type
+ method sqrt : signal_type
+ method _mod : signal_type -> signal_type
+ method larger : signal_type -> signal_type
+ method smaller : signal_type -> signal_type
+ method max : signal_type -> signal_type
+ method min : signal_type -> signal_type
+ method rdtable : signal_type -> signal_type -> signal_type
+ method select2 : signal_type -> signal_type -> signal_type
+ method select3 : signal_type -> signal_type -> signal_type -> signal_type
+ method prefix : signal_type -> signal_type
+ end;;
+class type beam_type =
+ object
+ method get : signal_type array
+ method width : int
+ method sub : int -> int -> beam_type
+ method cut : int -> beam_type * beam_type
+ method append : beam_type -> beam_type
+ method matching : int -> beam_type
+ method at : time -> value_type array
+ method output : int -> float array array array
+ method frequency : rate_type array
+ end;;
+class type dimension_type =
+ object
+ method input : int
+ method output : int
+ method par : dimension_type -> dimension_type
+ method seq : dimension_type -> dimension_type
+ method split : dimension_type -> dimension_type
+ method merge : dimension_type -> dimension_type
+ method _rec : dimension_type -> dimension_type
+ end;;
+class type process_type =
+ object
+ method exp : faust_exp
+ method dim : dimension_type
+ method delay : int
+ method eval : beam_type -> beam_type
+ end;;
+class type io_type =
+ object
+ method set : string -> string -> unit
+ method read : string array -> beam_type
+ method write : rate_type array -> float array array array -> string array
+ end;;