From: WANG <wang@wang-OptiPlex-780.(none)>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 14:49:47 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Replace Sys.time by Unix.time in

Replace Sys.time by Unix.time in
Modify the input/output type of functions in morpho.lib from vector to matrix.

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 748378e..5f8cbba 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ test:
 	@echo "open $(SINWAVE_DIR)/output1.wav"
 	@echo "octave -q --eval 'plot(wavread(\"$(SINWAVE_DIR)/output1.wav\")); pause'"
 install :
diff --git a/examples/2d_fft/Makefile b/examples/2d_fft/Makefile
index 1c58826..553124f 100644
--- a/examples/2d_fft/Makefile
+++ b/examples/2d_fft/Makefile
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ $(IMGOUT): $(CSVOUT)
 	octave -qf img_write.m
-	faustine -d $(SRC) -i $(CSVIN) -t $(LINES) --oformat $(FORMAT) --obasename $(BASENAME)
+	faustine -f $(SRC) -i $(CSVIN) -l $(LINES) --oformat $(FORMAT) --obasename $(BASENAME)
 	octave -qf img_read.m
diff --git a/examples/close/Makefile b/examples/close/Makefile
index 3e51a51..22c4885 100644
--- a/examples/close/Makefile
+++ b/examples/close/Makefile
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ $(IMGOUT): $(CSVOUT)
 	octave -qf img_write.m
-	faustine -d $(SRC) -i $(CSVIN) -t $(LINES) --oformat $(FORMAT) --obasename $(BASENAME)
+	faustine -f $(SRC) -i $(CSVIN) -l $(LINES) --oformat $(FORMAT) --obasename $(BASENAME)
 	octave -qf img_read.m
diff --git a/examples/close/close.dsp b/examples/close/close.dsp
index e68d28c..9331bf9 100644
--- a/examples/close/close.dsp
+++ b/examples/close/close.dsp
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 import ("morpho.lib");
-process = closing_square(119, 123, 2);
+process = vectorize(123) : closing_square(119, 123, 2) : serialize;
diff --git a/examples/dilation/Makefile b/examples/dilation/Makefile
index 1958879..3d2c6dd 100644
--- a/examples/dilation/Makefile
+++ b/examples/dilation/Makefile
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ $(IMGOUT): $(CSVOUT)
 	octave -qf img_write.m
-	faustine -d $(SRC) -i $(CSVIN) -t $(LINES) --oformat $(FORMAT) --obasename $(BASENAME)
+	faustine -f $(SRC) -i $(CSVIN) -l $(LINES) --oformat $(FORMAT) --obasename $(BASENAME)
 	octave -qf img_read.m
diff --git a/examples/dilation/dilation.dsp b/examples/dilation/dilation.dsp
index 2ea985e..d69d8d4 100644
--- a/examples/dilation/dilation.dsp
+++ b/examples/dilation/dilation.dsp
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 import ("morpho.lib");
-process = dilations_square(112, 150, 2);
+process = vectorize(150) : dilations_square(112, 150, 2) : serialize;
diff --git a/examples/erosion/Makefile b/examples/erosion/Makefile
index 420030f..d70affe 100644
--- a/examples/erosion/Makefile
+++ b/examples/erosion/Makefile
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ $(IMGOUT): $(CSVOUT)
 	octave -qf img_write.m
-	faustine -d $(SRC) -i $(CSVIN) -t $(LINES) --oformat $(FORMAT) --obasename $(BASENAME)
+	faustine -f $(SRC) -i $(CSVIN) -l $(LINES) --oformat $(FORMAT) --obasename $(BASENAME)
 	octave -qf img_read.m
diff --git a/examples/erosion/erosion.dsp b/examples/erosion/erosion.dsp
index 79389dd..4634fea 100644
--- a/examples/erosion/erosion.dsp
+++ b/examples/erosion/erosion.dsp
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 import ("morpho.lib");
-process = erosions_square(112, 150, 2);
+process = vectorize(150) : erosions_square(112, 150, 2) : serialize; 
diff --git a/examples/fft/Makefile b/examples/fft/Makefile
index 8194124..cbe38a6 100644
--- a/examples/fft/Makefile
+++ b/examples/fft/Makefile
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ FORMAT = csv
 IMGOUT = $(SRC:.dsp=.png)
-SINS = four_sins.dsp
+SINSUM = sinsum.dsp
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ $(IMGOUT): $(CSVOUT)
 	octave -qf img_write.m
-	faustine -d $(SRC) -i $(WAVIN) --oformat $(FORMAT) --obasename $(BASENAME)
+	faustine -f $(SRC) -i $(WAVIN) --oformat $(FORMAT) --obasename $(BASENAME)
 $(WAVIN): $(SINS) $(INPUT1) $(INPUT2) $(INPUT3) $(INPUT4)
-	faustine -d $(SINS) -i $(INPUT1) -i $(INPUT2) -i $(INPUT3) -i $(INPUT4) --oformat $(WAV_FORMAT) --obasename $(WAV_BASENAME)
+	faustine -f $(SINSUM) -i $(INPUT1) -i $(INPUT2) -i $(INPUT3) -i $(INPUT4) --oformat $(WAV_FORMAT) --obasename $(WAV_BASENAME)
-	rm -f gmon.out output*
+	rm -f gmon.out $(CSVOUT) $(IMGOUT) $(WAVIN) *~
diff --git a/examples/fft/sinsum.dsp b/examples/fft/sinsum.dsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ee1d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/fft/sinsum.dsp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+process = +, + : +;
diff --git a/examples/licenceplate/Makefile b/examples/licenceplate/Makefile
index c059791..a30591b 100644
--- a/examples/licenceplate/Makefile
+++ b/examples/licenceplate/Makefile
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ $(IMGOUT): $(CSVOUT)
 	octave -qf img_write.m
-	faustine -d $(SRC) -i $(CSVIN) -t $(LINES) --oformat $(FORMAT) --obasename $(BASENAME)
+	faustine -f $(SRC) -i $(CSVIN) -l $(LINES) --oformat $(FORMAT) --obasename $(BASENAME)
 	octave -qf img_read.m
diff --git a/examples/open/Makefile b/examples/open/Makefile
index 54199ba..cdd7930 100644
--- a/examples/open/Makefile
+++ b/examples/open/Makefile
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ $(IMGOUT): $(CSVOUT)
 	octave -qf img_write.m
-	faustine -d $(SRC) -i $(CSVIN) -t $(LINES) --oformat $(FORMAT) --obasename $(BASENAME)
+	faustine -f $(SRC) -i $(CSVIN) -l $(LINES) --oformat $(FORMAT) --obasename $(BASENAME)
 	octave -qf img_read.m
diff --git a/examples/open/open.dsp b/examples/open/open.dsp
index 00e155d..77a360e 100644
--- a/examples/open/open.dsp
+++ b/examples/open/open.dsp
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 import ("morpho.lib");
-process = opening_square(119, 123, 2);
+process = vectorize(123) : opening_square(119, 123, 2) : serialize;
diff --git a/examples/primitives/Makefile b/examples/primitives/Makefile
index b392c2b..fb73fc3 100644
--- a/examples/primitives/Makefile
+++ b/examples/primitives/Makefile
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ CSVOUT = $(BASENAME)1.$(FORMAT)
 all: $(CSVOUT)
 $(CSVOUT): $(SRC)
-	faustine -d $(SRC) -t $(SAMPLES) --oformat $(FORMAT) --obasename $(BASENAME)
+	faustine -f $(SRC) -l $(SAMPLES) --oformat $(FORMAT) --obasename $(BASENAME)
 	rm -f gmon.out output*
diff --git a/examples/sinwave/Makefile b/examples/sinwave/Makefile
index c6d2ec9..064b7c8 100644
--- a/examples/sinwave/Makefile
+++ b/examples/sinwave/Makefile
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ WAVOUT = $(BASENAME)1.$(FORMAT)
 all: $(WAVOUT)
 $(WAVOUT): $(SRC)
-	faustine -d $< --obasename $(BASENAME) --oformat $(FORMAT)
+	faustine -f $< --obasename $(BASENAME) --oformat $(FORMAT)
 	rm -f gmon.out $(BASENAME)*
diff --git a/interpreter/ b/interpreter/
index ff94e29..54c7f1a 100644
--- a/interpreter/
+++ b/interpreter/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ exception Missing_Expression;;
 let version = "Faustine: 0.0.1";;
-let set_GC () = 
+ let set_GC () = 
 	let _ = Gc.set { (Gc.get()) 
 		       with Gc.minor_heap_size = 0xFFFFFF } in
 	let _ = Gc.set { (Gc.get()) 
@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@ let format_output = ref "wav";;
 let basename_output = ref "output";;
 let option_usage = "usage: " ^ Sys.argv.(0) 
-  ^ " [-d dsp_src] [-i input] [-t time] [--odir dir] [--oformat wav/csv] [--obasename name]";;
+  ^ " [-f dsp_src] [-i input] [-l length] [--odir dir] [--oformat wav/csv] [--obasename name]";;
 let option_unknown = 
   fun x -> raise (Arg.Bad ("Bad argument : " ^ x))
 let speclist = [
-  ("-d", Arg.String (fun s -> path_dsp := s), ": set dsp source file");
+  ("-f", Arg.String (fun s -> path_dsp := s), ": faust .dsp source file");
   ("-i", Arg.String (fun s -> incr size_input; inputs := !inputs @ [s]), ": set input wave file");
-  ("-t", Arg.Int (fun i -> time_max := i), ": set max output length");
+  ("-l", Arg.Int (fun i -> time_max := i), ": maximun number of output samples");
   ("--odir", Arg.String (fun s -> dir_output := s), ": set output directory");
   ("--oformat", Arg.String (fun s -> format_output := s), ": set output format");
   ("--obasename", Arg.String (fun s -> basename_output := s), ": set output basename");
@@ -53,7 +53,12 @@ let speclist = [
 let main () = 
+        let () = print_endline (Scanf.Scanning.name_of_input (Scanf.Scanning.stdin)) in
+	let () = print_endline (Unix.readlink "/proc/self/fd/0") in
+	let () = print_endline (Unix.readlink "/proc/self/fd/1") in
+	let () = print_endline (Unix.readlink "/proc/self/fd/2") in
 	let () = Arg.parse speclist option_unknown option_usage in
         let _ = Sys.signal Sys.sigalrm Sys.Signal_ignore in
 	let _ = set_GC () in
@@ -62,46 +67,46 @@ let main () =
 	let () = print_string("    Faustine -> Reading input ...") in
-	let tic0 = Sys.time () in
+	let tic0 = Unix.time () in
 	let input = io#read !inputs in
-	let toc0 = Sys.time () in
+	let toc0 = Unix.time () in
 	let () = print_endline(" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc0 -. tic0)) ^ "s.)") in
 	let () = print_string("    Faustine -> Preprocessing...") in
-	let tic1 = Sys.time () in
+	let tic1 = Unix.time () in
 	let faust_core = Preprocess.preprocess !path_dsp in
-	let toc1 = Sys.time () in
+	let toc1 = Unix.time () in
 	let () = print_endline(" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc1 -. tic1)) ^ "s.)") in
 	let () = print_string("    Faustine -> Constructing process...") in
-	let tic2 = Sys.time () in
+	let tic2 = Unix.time () in
 	let faust_exp = exp_of_string faust_core in
 	let proc = (new proc_factory)#make faust_exp in
-	let toc2 = Sys.time () in
+	let toc2 = Unix.time () in
 	let () = print_endline(" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc2 -. tic2)) ^ "s.)") in
 	let () = print_string("    Faustine -> Constructing signals...") in
-	let tic3 = Sys.time () in
+	let tic3 = Unix.time () in
 	let output = proc#eval input in
-	let toc3 = Sys.time () in
+	let toc3 = Unix.time () in
 	let () = print_endline(" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc3 -. tic3)) ^ "s.)") in
 	let () = print_string("    Faustine -> Evaluating...") in
-	let tic4 = Sys.time () in
+	let tic4 = Unix.time () in
 	let data = output#output !time_max in
 	let rates = output#frequency in
-	let toc4 = Sys.time () in
+	let toc4 = Unix.time () in
 	let () = print_endline(" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc4 -. tic4)) ^ "s.)") in
 	let () = print_string("    Faustine -> Writing output...") in
-	let tic5 = Sys.time () in
+	let tic5 = Unix.time () in
 	let output_paths = io#write rates data in
-	let toc5 = Sys.time () in
+	let toc5 = Unix.time () in
 	let () = print_endline(" Done. (duration: " ^ (string_of_float (toc5 -. tic5)) ^ "s.)") in
 	let _ = print_endline 
diff --git a/interpreter/preprocessor/faust-0.9.47mr3/compiler/Makefile b/interpreter/preprocessor/faust-0.9.47mr3/compiler/Makefile
index 36665bf..5bfb3f9 100755
--- a/interpreter/preprocessor/faust-0.9.47mr3/compiler/Makefile
+++ b/interpreter/preprocessor/faust-0.9.47mr3/compiler/Makefile
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ endif
 CXXFLAGS ?= -O3 -Wall -Wuninitialized $(ARCHFLAGS)
 CXXFLAGS += -Wno-parentheses $(addprefix -I, $(subprojects)) -DINSTALL_PREFIX='"$(prefix)"'
-all : faust preprocess.a # Haisheng WANG adds preprocess.a for multirate faust interpreter
+all : faust # preprocess.a # Haisheng WANG adds preprocess.a for multirate faust interpreter
 faust : $(objects)
 	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(objects) -o faust
diff --git a/lib/morpho.lib b/lib/morpho.lib
index 5c42861..4b7e21b 100644
--- a/lib/morpho.lib
+++ b/lib/morpho.lib
@@ -14,31 +14,31 @@ tri_maxs(n) = par(i, n, tri_max);
 tri_min = min, _ : min;
 tri_mins(n) = par(i, n, tri_min);
-dilating(n) = strel_shift_dilation, _, strel_shift_dilation : #, _ : # : spray_by_three(n) : tri_maxs(n) : nconcat(n);
-eroding(n) = strel_shift_erosion, _, strel_shift_erosion : #, _ : # : spray_by_three(n) : tri_mins(n) : nconcat(n);
+dilating(n) = strel_shift_dilation, _, strel_shift_dilation : #, _ : # : spray_by_three(n) : tri_maxs(n) : nconcat(n); // vector io
+eroding(n) = strel_shift_erosion, _, strel_shift_erosion : #, _ : # : spray_by_three(n) : tri_mins(n) : nconcat(n); // vector io
-dilation_line(x, y) = serialize : dilating(x) : vectorize(y);
-erosion_line(x, y) = serialize : eroding(x) : vectorize(y);
+dilation_line(x, y) = serialize : dilating(x) : vectorize(y); // matrix io
+erosion_line(x, y) = serialize : eroding(x) : vectorize(y); // matrix io
-dilation_column(x, y) = matrix_transpose(y, x) : serialize : dilating(y) : vectorize(x) : matrix_transpose(x, y);
-erosion_column(x, y) = matrix_transpose(y, x) : serialize : eroding(y) : vectorize(x) : matrix_transpose(x, y);
+dilation_column(x, y) = matrix_transpose(y, x) : serialize : dilating(y) : vectorize(x) : matrix_transpose(x, y); 
+erosion_column(x, y) = matrix_transpose(y, x) : serialize : eroding(y) : vectorize(x) : matrix_transpose(x, y); 
-dilation_square(x, y) = dilation_line(x, y) : dilation_column(x, y);
-erosion_square(x, y) = erosion_line(x, y) : erosion_column(x, y);
+dilation_square(x, y) = dilation_line(x, y) : dilation_column(x, y); 
+erosion_square(x, y) = erosion_line(x, y) : erosion_column(x, y); 
 cross = _, _ <: !, _, _, !;
-dilations_line(x, y, iter) = _ : vectorize(y) : (iter, ((cross : ((0, 1 : prefix), _, _ : select2) : dilation_line(x, y))~_), (iter - 1)) : rdtable : serialize;
+dilations_line(x, y, iter) = _ : (iter, ((cross : ((0, 1 : prefix), _, _ : select2) : dilation_line(x, y))~_), (iter - 1)) : rdtable;
-erosions_line(x, y, iter) = _ : vectorize(y) : (iter, ((cross : ((0, 1 : prefix), _, _ : select2) : erosion_line(x, y))~_), (iter - 1)) : rdtable : serialize;
+erosions_line(x, y, iter) = _ : (iter, ((cross : ((0, 1 : prefix), _, _ : select2) : erosion_line(x, y))~_), (iter - 1)) : rdtable;
-dilations_column(x, y, iter) = _ : vectorize(y) : (iter, ((cross : ((0, 1 : prefix), _, _ : select2) : dilation_column(x, y))~_), (iter - 1)) : rdtable : serialize;
+dilations_column(x, y, iter) = _ : (iter, ((cross : ((0, 1 : prefix), _, _ : select2) : dilation_column(x, y))~_), (iter - 1)) : rdtable;
-erosions_column(x, y, iter) = _ : vectorize(y) : (iter, ((cross : ((0, 1 : prefix), _, _ : select2) : erosion_column(x, y))~_), (iter - 1)) : rdtable : serialize;
+erosions_column(x, y, iter) = _ : (iter, ((cross : ((0, 1 : prefix), _, _ : select2) : erosion_column(x, y))~_), (iter - 1)) : rdtable;
-dilations_square(x, y, iter) = _ : vectorize(y) : (iter, ((cross : ((0, 1 : prefix), _, _ : select2) : dilation_square(x, y))~_), (iter - 1)) : rdtable : serialize;
+dilations_square(x, y, iter) = _ : (iter, ((cross : ((0, 1 : prefix), _, _ : select2) : dilation_square(x, y))~_), (iter - 1)) : rdtable;
-erosions_square(x, y, iter) = _ : vectorize(y) : (iter, ((cross : ((0, 1 : prefix), _, _ : select2) : erosion_square(x, y))~_), (iter - 1)) : rdtable : serialize;
+erosions_square(x, y, iter) = _ : (iter, ((cross : ((0, 1 : prefix), _, _ : select2) : erosion_square(x, y))~_), (iter - 1)) : rdtable;
 opening_line(x, y, iter) = erosions_line(x, y, iter) : dilations_line(x, y, iter);
 closing_line(x, y, iter) = dilations_line(x, y, iter) : erosions_line(x, y, iter);
@@ -49,19 +49,16 @@ closing_column(x, y, iter) = dilations_column(x, y, iter) : erosions_column(x, y
 opening_square(x, y, iter) = erosions_square(x, y, iter) : dilations_square(x, y, iter);
 closing_square(x, y, iter) = dilations_square(x, y, iter) : erosions_square(x, y, iter);
-and = *;
-threshold(x, low, high) = _ <: (_, (low : vectorize(x)) : >), (_, (high : vectorize(x)) : <) : and;
+threshold(x, y, low, high) = _ <: (_, (low : vectorize(x) : vectorize(y)) : >), (_, (high : vectorize(x) : vectorize(y)) : <) : &;
-//licenceplate(x, y) = _ <: (opening_line(x, y, 15), closing_line(x, y, 8) : threshold(x, 1, 50), threshold(x, 150, 255) : and : opening_column(x, y, 4) : opening_line(x, y, 4) : dilations_square(x, y, 2)), _ : and;
+mask_adjusting(x, y, o7, o8, d9, d10) = opening_column(x, y, o7) : opening_line(x, y, o8) : dilations_square(x, y, d9) : dilations_line(x, y, d10);
-licenceplate(x, y, o1, c2, t3, t4, t5, t6, o7, o8, d9, d10) = _ <: (opening_line(x, y, o1), closing_line(x, y, c2) : threshold(x, t3, t4), threshold(x, t5, t6) : and : opening_column(x, y, o7) : opening_line(x, y, o8) : dilations_square(x, y, d9) : dilations_line(x, y, d10)), _ : and;
-//licenceplate(x, y) = _ <: (opening_line(x, y, 4), closing_line(x, y, 2) : threshold(x, 1, 50), threshold(x, 150, 255) : and : opening_column(x, y, 4) : opening_line(x, y, 4) : dilations_square(x, y, 4)), _ : and;
+licenceplate(x, y, o1, c2, t3, t4, t5, t6, o7, o8, d9, d10) = vectorize(y) <: (opening_line(x, y, o1), closing_line(x, y, c2) : threshold(x, y, t3, t4), threshold(x, y, t5, t6) : & : mask_adjusting(x, y, o7, o8, d9, d10)), _ : * : serialize;
 //process = dilations_line(8, 8, 3);
 //process = erosions(8, 8, 3);
 //process = open(8, 8, 2);
 //process = close(8, 8, 5);
-//process = licenceplate(4, 4, 15, 8, 1, 50, 150, 255, 4, 4, 2, 20);
+//process = licenceplate(4, 4, 1, 4, 1, 50, 150, 255, 1, 1, 5, 20);