Can I nest some GRUFs?
    Maybe... but what for ?

Does GRUF support nested groups ?
    Nested groups in group-whithin-a-group feature.
    And, yes, GRUF supports it since 1.3 version.

Does GRUF support multiple user sources ?
    Multiple user sources is a feature that would allow you to store users in several userfolders.
    For example, you could have your regular admin users in a standard User Folder, your intranet
    users in an LDAPUserFolder and your extranet users in an SQL-based user folder
    GRUF supports this from version 2.0Beta1.

Can I use GRUF outside Plone ?
    Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes. This is a major design consideration for us.

Is GRUF stable ?
    It's used in a production environment for several major websites. Furthermore, it's qualified to be included
    in Plone 1.1. It's considered reliable enough - except for "Beta" versions, of course.

Is GRUF maintained ?
    Yes, it is, actively. Features (especially regarding useablility) are often 
    added to GRUF. Official releases are considered very stable.

Can I help ?
    Yes, for sure !
    GRUF is an Open-Source project and we, at Ingeniweb, are always happy to help people getting involved
    with our products. Just contact us to submit your ideas, patches or insults ! :-)
    In any case, if you want to work on GRUF's CVS, please work in a branch, never on the HEAD!
    I want this to ensure the latest CVS HEAD is always very stable.

Why cannot I assign local roles to groups using Plone 2.0.x ?
    There's a bug in Plone's folder_localroles_form in Plone 2.0.x, preventing it to work with
    GRUF 3. That's because group name is passed to GRUF's methods instead of group id.
    To solve this, you either have to fix the form by yourself (replace group_name by group_id),
    or wait for Plone 2.1 ;)
    A sample fixed form is provided in the gruf_plone_2_0 skin folder (which is NOT installed
    by default).

Does GRUF work with CASUserFolder
    There are two CASUserFolder implementation. One made by a clown and one made by a megalomaniac ;)
    I prefer the first one. He prefers me anyway ;) See this page for more information: