+function smoothScroll(from, to) {
+ var intervalId;
+ var step = 25;
+ var pos = from;
+ var dir;
+ if (to > from) {
+ dir = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ dir = -1;
+ }
+ var jump = function() {
+ window.scroll(0, pos);
+ pos = pos + step * dir;
+ if ((dir === 1 && pos >= to) ||
+ (dir === -1 && pos <= to)) {
+ window.clearInterval(intervalId);
+ window.scroll(0, to);
+ }
+ }
+ intervalId = window.setInterval(jump, 10);
+/* adapted from http://xahlee.info/js/js_shake_box.html */
+function shake(e, distance, time) {
+ // Handle arguments
+ if (!time) time = 500;
+ if (!distance) distance = 5;
+ // Save the original style of e, Make e relatively positioned, Note the animation start time, Start the animation
+ var originalStyle = e.style.cssText;
+ e.style.position = "relative";
+ var start = (new Date()).getTime();
+ animate();
+ // This function checks the elapsed time and updates the position of e.
+ // If the animation is complete, it restores e to its original state.
+ // Otherwise, it updates e's position and schedules itself to run again.
+ function animate() {
+ var now = (new Date()).getTime();
+ // Get current time
+ var elapsed = now-start;
+ // How long since we started
+ var fraction = elapsed/time;
+ // What fraction of total time?
+ if (fraction < 1) {
+ // If the animation is not yet complete
+ // Compute the x position of e as a function of animation
+ // completion fraction. We use a sinusoidal function, and multiply
+ // the completion fraction by 4pi, so that it shakes back and
+ // forth twice.
+ var x = distance * Math.sin(fraction*8*Math.PI);
+ e.style.left = x + "px";
+ // Try to run again in 25ms or at the end of the total time.
+ // We're aiming for a smooth 40 frames/second animation.
+ setTimeout(animate, Math.min(25, time-elapsed));
+ }
+ else {
+ // Otherwise, the animation is complete
+ e.style.cssText = originalStyle // Restore the original style
+ }
+ }