From: Benoît Pin <>
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2010 10:37:12 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: export_steps et import_steps n'ont plus l'air d'être utilisés par GenericSetup (tout... 

export_steps et import_steps n'ont plus l'air d'être utilisés par GenericSetup (tout du moins les dépendances).

diff --git a/profiles/photo/export_steps.xml b/profiles/photo/export_steps.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 98969f3..0000000
--- a/profiles/photo/export_steps.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <export-step id="actions"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.actions.exportActionProviders"
-              title="Action Providers">
-  Export actions tool's action providers and their actions.
- </export-step>
- <export-step id="caching_policy_mgr"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.cachingpolicymgr.exportCachingPolicyManager"
-              title="Caching Policies">
-  Export caching policy manager's policies.
- </export-step>
- <export-step id="catalog"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.catalog.exportCatalogTool"
-              title="Catalog Tool">
-  Export catalog tool's sub-objects, indexes and columns.
- </export-step>
- <export-step id="componentregistry"
-              handler="Products.GenericSetup.components.exportComponentRegistry"
-              title="Local Component Registry">
-    Export local component registry configuration.
- </export-step>
- <export-step id="content_type_registry"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.contenttyperegistry.exportContentTypeRegistry"
-              title="Content Type Registry">
-  Export content type registry's predicates / bindings.
- </export-step>
- <export-step id="cookieauth"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.cookieauth.exportCookieCrumbler"
-              title="Cookie Authentication">
-  Export cookie crumbler settings
- </export-step>
- <export-step id="mailhost"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.mailhost.exportMailHost"
-              title="MailHost">
-  Export the mailhost's settings and properties
- </export-step>
- <export-step id="properties"
-              handler=""
-              title="Site Properties">
-  Export site properties.
- </export-step>
- <export-step id="rolemap"
-              handler="Products.GenericSetup.rolemap.exportRolemap"
-              title="Role / Permission Map">
-  Export custom roles and non-default role-permission mappings.
- </export-step>
- <export-step id="skins"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.skins.exportSkinsTool"
-              title="Skins Tool">
-  Export skins tool's filesystem directory views and skin path definitions.
- </export-step>
- <export-step id="step_registries"
-              handler="Products.GenericSetup.tool.exportStepRegistries"
-              title="Step Registries">
-  Export current contents of import step registry and export step registry.
- </export-step>
- <export-step id="toolset"
-              handler="Products.GenericSetup.tool.exportToolset"
-              title="Required Tools">
-  Export required / forbidden tools.
- </export-step>
- <export-step id="typeinfo"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.typeinfo.exportTypesTool"
-              title="Types Tool">
-  Export types tool's type information objects.
- </export-step>
- <export-step id="various-plinn-settings"
-              handler="Products.Plinn.setuphandlers.exportVarious"
-              title="Various Plinn settings">
-  Export various plinn settings as python script.
- </export-step>
- <export-step id="workflows"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow.exportWorkflowTool"
-              title="Workflow Tool">
-  Export workflow tool's workflow definitions and supporting scripts.
- </export-step>
diff --git a/profiles/photo/import_steps.xml b/profiles/photo/import_steps.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index aebacc4..0000000
--- a/profiles/photo/import_steps.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <import-step id="actions" version="20071112-01"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.actions.importActionProviders"
-              title="Action Providers">
-  <dependency step="toolset"/>
-  Import actions tool's action providers and their actions.
- </import-step>
- <import-step id="caching_policy_mgr" version="20051011-01"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.cachingpolicymgr.importCachingPolicyManager"
-              title="Caching Policies">
-  <dependency step="toolset"/>
-  Import caching policy manager's policies.
- </import-step>
- <import-step id="catalog" version="20071112-01"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.catalog.importCatalogTool"
-              title="Catalog Tool">
-  <dependency step="toolset"/>
-  Import catalog tool's sub-objects, indexes and columns.
- </import-step>
- <import-step id="componentregistry" version="20061025-01"
-              handler="Products.GenericSetup.components.importComponentRegistry"
-              title="Local Component Registry">
-  <dependency step="toolset"/>
-  Import local component registry configuration.
- </import-step>
- <import-step id="content_type_registry"
-              version="20071112-01"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.contenttyperegistry.importContentTypeRegistry"
-              title="Content Type Registry">
-  <dependency step="componentregistry"/>
-  Import content type registry's predicates and bindings.
- </import-step>
- <import-step id="cookie_authentication"
-              version="20071112-01"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.cookieauth.importCookieCrumbler"
-              title="Cookie Authentication">
-  <dependency step="toolset"/>
-  Import cookie crumbler settings
- </import-step>
- <import-step id="mailhost" version="20071112-01"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.mailhost.importMailHost"
-              title="MailHost">
-  <dependency step="componentregistry"/>
-  <dependency step="toolset"/>
-  Import mailhost settings
- </import-step>
- <import-step id="properties" version="20071112-01"
-              handler=""
-              title="Site Properties">
-  Import site properties.
- </import-step>
- <import-step id="rolemap" version="20071112-01"
-              handler="Products.GenericSetup.rolemap.importRolemap"
-              title="Role / Permission Map">
-  Import custom roles and non-default role-permission mappings.
- </import-step>
- <import-step id="skins" version="20071112-01"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.skins.importSkinsTool"
-              title="Skins Tool">
-  <dependency step="componentregistry"/>
-  Import skins tool's filesystem directory views and skin path definitions.
- </import-step>
- <import-step id="toolset" version="20071112-01"
-              handler="Products.GenericSetup.tool.importToolset"
-              title="Required tools">
-  Create required tools, replacing any of the wrong class, and remove
-  forbidden ones.
- </import-step>
- <import-step id="typeinfo" version="20071112-01"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.typeinfo.importTypesTool"
-              title="Types Tool">
-  <dependency step="toolset"/>
-  Import types tool's type information objects.
- </import-step>
- <import-step id="various-calendar" version="20050316-01"
-              handler="Products.CMFCalendar.setuphandlers.importVarious"
-              title="Various Calendar Settings">
-  <dependency step="componentregistry"/>
-  <dependency step="toolset"/>
-  Import various settings for CMF Calendar.
- </import-step>
- <import-step id="various-plinn-settings"
-              version="20060112-01"
-              handler="Products.Plinn.setuphandlers.importVarious"
-              title="Various Plinn settings">
-  <dependency step="skins"/>
-  <dependency step="toolset"/>
-  <dependency step="typeinfo"/>
-  <dependency step="workflow"/>
-  Import various settings from Plinn products.
- </import-step>
- <import-step id="workflow" version="20071112-01"
-              handler="Products.CMFCore.exportimport.workflow.importWorkflowTool"
-              title="Workflow Tool">
-  <dependency step="toolset"/>
-  Import workflow tool's workflow definitions and supporting scripts.
- </import-step>