From b6d96cd5994f160b56cb89f83555cf9c6e2a4446 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?utf8?q?Beno=C3=AEt=20Pin?= <>
Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2013 17:48:38 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] =?utf8?q?Renommage=20des=20=C3=A9l=C3=A9ments=20avec=20?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

 skins/custom_control/ | 57 ++++++++++-----
 skins/custom_generic/    | 46 ++++++------
 .../custom_generic/  | 71 ++++++++++---------
 3 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

diff --git a/skins/custom_control/ b/skins/custom_control/
index 4fc1163..1f0ae27 100755
--- a/skins/custom_control/
+++ b/skins/custom_control/
@@ -1,26 +1,45 @@
-##parameters=ids, new_ids, **kw
+##parameters=items, **kw
 ##title=Rename objects in a folder
 from Products.CMFDefault.exceptions import CopyError
 from Products.Plinn.utils import translate
 _ = lambda msg : translate(msg, context)
+ids, new_ids = zip(*[(i['id'], i['new_id']) for i in items])
+changed = 0
+c = context.aq_explicit
+for itemInfo in items :
+    item = getattr(c, itemInfo['id'])
+    if item.Title() != itemInfo['title'] :
+        item.setTitle(itemInfo['title'])
+        item.reindexObject()
+        changed = changed + 1
 if not ids == new_ids:
-	try:
-		skiped = context.manage_renameObjects(ids, new_ids)
-		if not skiped :
-			if len(ids) == 1:
-				return context.setStatus(True, _(u'Item renamed.'))
-			else:
-				return context.setStatus(True, _(u'Items renamed.'))
-		else :
-			if len(skiped) == 1 :
-				return context.setStatus(True, _( u'This item has not been renamed: "%s"') % ids[0] )
-			else :
-				return context.setStatus(True
-										, _( u'These items have not been renamed: %s') % \
-											', '.join(['"%s"' % id for id in ids]) )
-	except CopyError:
-		return context.setStatus(False, _(u'Rename failed.'))
-	return context.setStatus(False, _(u'Nothing to change.'))
+    try:
+        skiped = context.manage_renameObjects(ids, new_ids)
+        if not skiped :
+            if len(ids) == 1:
+                return context.setStatus(True, _(u'Item renamed.'))
+            else:
+                return context.setStatus(True, _(u'Items renamed.'))
+        else :
+            if len(skiped) == 1 :
+                return context.setStatus(True, _( u'This item has not been renamed: "%s"') % ids[0] )
+            else :
+                return context.setStatus(True
+                                        , _( u'These items have not been renamed: %s') % \
+                                            ', '.join(['"%s"' % id for id in ids]) )
+    except CopyError:
+        return context.setStatus(False, _(u'Rename failed.'))
+elif not changed :
+  return context.setStatus(False, _(u'Nothing to change.'))
+else :
+    if changed == 1:
+        return context.setStatus(True, _(u'Item renamed.'))
+    else:
+        return context.setStatus(True, _(u'Items renamed.'))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/skins/custom_generic/ b/skins/custom_generic/
index 731bcf1..b643e76 100644
--- a/skins/custom_generic/
+++ b/skins/custom_generic/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-##parameters=b_start=0, key='', reverse=0, ids=(), new_ids=(), rename='', cancel='', ajax=''
+##parameters=ids=[], items=[], rename='', cancel='', ajax=''
 from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
 from Products.CMFDefault.utils import html_marshal
@@ -8,42 +8,36 @@ portal_url = utool()
 form = context.REQUEST.form
-default_kw = {'b_start': b_start, 'key': key, 'reverse': reverse}
-if ajax :
-	default_kw.update({'ajax' : ajax})
 if rename and \
 		context.folder_rename_control(**form) and \
-		context.setRedirect(context, 'object/folderContents', **default_kw):
+		context.setRedirect(context, 'object/folderContents', **form):
 elif cancel and \
-		context.setRedirect(context, 'object/folderContents', **default_kw):
+		context.setRedirect(context, 'object/folderContents', **form):
 options = {}
 c = context.aq_explicit
-raw_items = [ getattr(c, id) for id in ids if hasattr(c, id) ]
-raw_items = [ item for item in raw_items if item.cb_isMoveable() ]
-items = []
-for item in raw_items:
-	item_icon = item.getIcon(1)
-	items.append( { 'icon': item_icon and ( '%s/%s' % (portal_url, item_icon) ) or '',
-					'id': item.getId(),
-					'title': item.Title(),
-					'type': item.Type() or None } )
-options['batch'] = { 'listItemInfos': tuple(items) }
-target = context.getActionInfo('object/rename_items')['url']
-hidden_vars = []
-default_kw.pop('ajax', None)
-for name, value in html_marshal(**default_kw):
-	hidden_vars.append( {'name': name, 'value': value} )
+if not ids :
+    ids = [i['id'] for i in items]
+itemInfos = []
+for id in ids :
+    if hasattr(c, id) :
+        item = getattr(c, id)
+        if item.cb_isMoveable() :
+          item_icon = item.getIcon(1)
+          itemInfos.append( { 'icon': item_icon and ( '%s/%s' % (portal_url, item_icon) ) or '',
+                              'id': item.getId(),
+                              'title': item.Title(),
+                              'type': item.Type() or None } )
+options['batch'] = { 'listItemInfos': itemInfos }
+action = context.getActionInfo('object/rename_items')['url']
 buttons = []
 buttons.append( {'name': 'rename', 'value': 'Rename'} )
 buttons.append( {'name': 'cancel', 'value': 'Cancel'} )
-options['form'] = { 'action': target,
-					'listHiddenVarInfos': tuple(hidden_vars),
-					'listButtonInfos': tuple(buttons) }
+options['form'] = {'action': action,
+                   'listButtonInfos': tuple(buttons)}
 return context.folder_rename_template(**options)
diff --git a/skins/custom_generic/ b/skins/custom_generic/
index 631c004..f6fe694 100644
--- a/skins/custom_generic/
+++ b/skins/custom_generic/
@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
-<html metal:use-macro="context/main_template/macros/master">
-<metal:slot metal:fill-slot="header" i18n:domain="cmf_default">
-<h1 i18n:translate="">Rename Items</h1>
-<metal:slot metal:fill-slot="main" i18n:domain="cmf_default"
-   tal:define="batch options/batch;
-               form options/form">
-<form action="members_manage" method="post"
-   tal:attributes="action form/action"
-><metal:macro metal:use-macro="context/form_widgets/macros/hidden_vars" />
- <table class="FormLayout">
-  <tr tal:repeat="item_info batch/listItemInfos">
-   <td width="8%"
-   ><img src="" alt="" border="0"
-       tal:attributes="src item_info/icon; alt item_info/type"
-       i18n:attributes="alt" /></td>
-   <td width="20%"
-   ><tal:span tal:replace="item_info/id">ID</tal:span>
-    <input type="hidden" name="ids:list" value=""
-       tal:attributes="value item_info/id" /></td>
-   <td width="5%"
-   ><strong i18n:translate="">to</strong></td>
-   <td
-   ><input type="text" name="new_ids:list" value=""
-       tal:attributes="value item_info/id" size="20" /></td>
-  </tr>
- </table>
- <metal:macro metal:use-macro="context/form_widgets/macros/buttons" />
+<html xmlns:tal=""
+      xmlns:metal=""
+      xmlns:i18n=""
+      metal:use-macro="context/main_template/macros/master">
+  <body i18n:domain="plinn">
+    <h1 metal:fill-slot="header" i18n:translate="">Rename Items</h1>
+    <div metal:fill-slot="main"
+         tal:define="batch options/batch;
+                     form options/form">
+      <form method="post" tal:attributes="action form/action">
+        <table class="listing" cellspacing="0">
+          <tr>
+            <th><br/></th>
+            <th i18n:translate="">Title</th>
+            <th><br/></th>
+            <th i18n:translate="">URL</th>
+          </tr>
+          <tr tal:repeat="item_info batch/listItemInfos">
+            <td>
+              <img src="" alt="" border="0" tal:attributes="src item_info/icon; alt item_info/type" i18n:attributes="alt"/>
+              <input type="hidden" name="noAjax" value="noAjax"/>
+              <input type="hidden" name="" value="" tal:attributes="value item_info/id"/>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <input type="text" name="items.title:records" tal:attributes="value item_info/title"/>
+            </td>
+            <td>•</td>
+            <td>
+              <input type="text" name="items.new_id:records" value="" tal:attributes="value item_info/id"/>
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </table>
+        <metal:macro metal:use-macro="context/form_widgets/macros/buttons"/>
+      </form>
+    </div>
+  </body>