X-Git-Url: https://svn.cri.ensmp.fr/git/Portfolio.git/blobdiff_plain/2d47c9c3dc8e8265381e167514626f854a2a6f2b..5cfa4a0efeccd0ced89914a9c85ef19bdc59b536:/manipulation.py

diff --git a/manipulation.py b/manipulation.py
index a4623ba..af010a5 100755
--- a/manipulation.py
+++ b/manipulation.py
@@ -18,123 +18,128 @@ from types import StringTypes
 from math import ceil
 import transaction
 from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
+from ZODB.POSException import ConnectionStateError
+from zope.site.hooks import setSite
 from cStringIO import StringIO
 console = logging.getLogger('[manipulation thread]')
 class ImageQueueProcessorThread(threading.Thread) :
-	"""This thread is started at zope startup
-	"""
+    """This thread is started at zope startup
+    """
-	__stopped = False
-	def __init__(self, portal_path, itemsPath) :
-		threading.Thread.__init__(self)
-		self.portal_path = portal_path
-		self.queue = []
-		if isinstance(itemsPath, StringTypes) :
-			itemsPath = [itemsPath]
-		for i in itemsPath :
-			self.queueAdd(i)
-	@property
-	def queueSize(self) :
-		return len(self.queue)
-	def queueAdd(self, itemPath) :
-		self.queue.append(itemPath)
+    __stopped = False
+    def __init__(self, portal_path, itemsPath) :
+        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+        self.portal_path = portal_path
+        self.queue = []
+        if isinstance(itemsPath, StringTypes) :
+            itemsPath = [itemsPath]
+        for i in itemsPath :
+            self.queueAdd(i)
+    @property
+    def queueSize(self) :
+        return len(self.queue)
+    def queueAdd(self, itemPath) :
+        self.queue.append(itemPath)
-	def run(self) :
-		console.info('process started.')
-		#atexit.register(self.stop)
-		import Zope2
-		app = Zope2.app()
-		while not self.__stopped and self.queueSize :
-			self._process(app)
-		con = app._p_jar
-		con.close()
-		#con.close()
-		console.info('process finished.')
-		#print con
-		#print con.transaction_manager
+    def run(self) :
+        console.info('process started.')
+        #atexit.register(self.stop)
+        import Zope2
+        app = Zope2.app()
+        portal = app.unrestrictedTraverse(self.portal_path)
+        setSite(portal)
+        while not self.__stopped and self.queueSize :
+            self._process(app)
+        con = app._p_jar
+        try :
+            con.close()
+        except ConnectionStateError, e :
+            console.warn('ConnectionStateError raised before finished.')
+        console.info('process finished.')
-	def stop(self):
-		console.info('process stopped.')
-		self.__stopped = True
-	def _process(self, app) :
-		path = self.queue.pop(0)
-		try :
-			p = app.unrestrictedTraverse(path)
-		except KeyError :
-			console.warn('deleted during processing: %s' % path)
-			return
-		console.info('%d : %s' % (self.queueSize, p.absolute_url()))
+    def stop(self):
+        console.info('process stopped.')
+        self.__stopped = True
+    def _process(self, app) :
+        path = self.queue.pop(0)
+        try :
+            p = app.unrestrictedTraverse(path)
+        except KeyError :
+            console.warn('deleted during processing: %s' % path)
+            return
+        console.info('%d : %s' % (self.queueSize, p.absolute_url()))
-		try :
-			if not hasattr(p, 'thumbnail'):
-				p.makeThumbnail()
-				# print 'make thumbnail'
+        try :
+            if not hasattr(p, 'thumbnail'):
+                p.makeThumbnail()
+                # print 'make thumbnail'
-			for size in ((500, 500), (600, 600), (800, 800)) :
-				# print 'resize at', size
-				p._getResizedImage(size, True)
-				transaction.commit()
-			zMin = p.tiles_min_zoom
-			zMax = p.tiles_max_zoom
-			zStep = p.tiles_step_zoom
-			levels = range(zMin, zMax + zStep, zStep)
-			zooms = [l/100. for l in levels]
-			todo =  set(zooms) - set(p._tiles.keys())
-			if todo :
-				if p.tileGenerationLock.locked() :
-					console.info('skip %s: already tiling.' % p.absolute_url())
-					return
-				p.tileGenerationLock.acquire()
-				zooms = list(todo)
-				zooms.sort()
-				ppm = None
-				try :
-					ppm = p._getPPM()
-					for zoom in zooms :
-						# print 'tiling at', zoom
-						if zoom < 1 :
-							rppm = ppm.resize(ratio=zoom)
-						else :
-							rppm = ppm
-						p._makeTilesAt(zoom, rppm)
-						del rppm
-						transaction.commit()
-				finally :
-					del ppm
-					p.tileGenerationLock.release()
-			try :
-				delattr(p, '_v__methodResultsCache')
-			except AttributeError:
-				pass
-			p.tiles_available = 1
-			p.reindexObject(idxs=['tiles_available'])
-			transaction.commit()
+            for size in ((500, 500), (600, 600), (800, 800)) :
+                # print 'resize at', size
+                p._getResizedImage(size, True)
+                transaction.commit()
+            zMin = p.tiles_min_zoom
+            zMax = p.tiles_max_zoom
+            zStep = p.tiles_step_zoom
+            levels = range(zMin, zMax + zStep, zStep)
+            zooms = [l/100. for l in levels]
+            todo =  set(zooms) - set(p._tiles.keys())
+            if todo :
+                if p.tileGenerationLock.locked() :
+                    console.info('skip %s: already tiling.' % p.absolute_url())
+                    return
+                p.tileGenerationLock.acquire()
+                zooms = list(todo)
+                zooms.sort()
+                ppm = None
+                try :
+                    ppm = p._getPPM()
+                    for zoom in zooms :
+                        # print 'tiling at', zoom
+                        if zoom < 1 :
+                            rppm = ppm.resize(ratio=zoom)
+                        else :
+                            rppm = ppm
+                        p._makeTilesAt(zoom, rppm)
+                        del rppm
+                        transaction.commit()
+                finally :
+                    del ppm
+                    p.tileGenerationLock.release()
+            try :
+                delattr(p, '_v__methodResultsCache')
+            except AttributeError:
+                pass
+            p.tiles_available = 1
+            assert p._getCatalogTool()
+            p.reindexObject(idxs=['tiles_available'])
+            transaction.commit()
-		except ConflictError :
-			console.warn('Resync after ZODB ConflicError')
-			transaction.abort()
-			portal = app.unrestrictedTraverse(portal_path)
-			portal._p_jar.sync()
-			self.queueAdd(path)
-			return
-		except :
-			p.tiles_available = -1
-			import traceback
-			out = StringIO()
-			traceback.print_exc(None, out)
-			console.error(out.getvalue())			
+        except ConflictError :
+            console.warn('Resync after ZODB ConflicError')
+            transaction.abort()
+            portal = app.unrestrictedTraverse(self.portal_path)
+            portal._p_jar.sync()
+            self.queueAdd(path)
+            return
+        except :
+            p.tiles_available = -1
+            import traceback
+            out = StringIO()
+            traceback.print_exc(None, out)
+            console.error(out.getvalue())