+ axes = plot
+ xmin, xmax = axes.get_xlim()
+ ymin, ymax = axes.get_xlim()
+ zmin, zmax = axes.get_xlim()
+ poly_xyzs = []
+ for vertices in self.faces():
+ if len(vertices) == 0:
+ continue
+ vertices = Polyhedron._sort_polygon_3d(vertices)
+ vertices.append(vertices[0])
+ face_xyzs = [tuple(vertex.values()) for vertex in vertices]
+ xs, ys, zs = zip(*face_xyzs)
+ xmin, xmax = min(xmin, float(min(xs))), max(xmax, float(max(xs)))
+ ymin, ymax = min(ymin, float(min(ys))), max(ymax, float(max(ys)))
+ zmin, zmax = min(zmin, float(min(zs))), max(zmax, float(max(zs)))
+ poly_xyzs.append(face_xyzs)
+ collection = Poly3DCollection(poly_xyzs, **kwargs)
+ axes.add_collection3d(collection)
+ axes.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
+ axes.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
+ axes.set_zlim(zmin, zmax)
+ return axes
+ def plot(self, plot=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Display 3D plot of set.
+ """
+ if self.dimension == 2:
+ return self._plot_2d(plot=plot, **kwargs)
+ elif self.dimension == 3:
+ return self._plot_3d(plot=plot, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('polyhedron must be 2 or 3-dimensional')