#!/usr/bin/env python3
+ This file is part of Linpy.
+ Linpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ Linpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with Linpy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from pypol import *
-def affine_derivative_closure(T, x0s):
- xs = [Symbol("{}'".format(x0.name)) for x0 in x0s]
- dxs = [Symbol('d{}'.format(x0.name)) for x0 in x0s]
- k = Symbol('k')
- for x in T.symbols:
- assert x in x0s + xs
- for dx in dxs:
- assert dx.name not in T.symbols
- assert k.name not in T.symbols
- T0 = T
- T1 = T0
- for i, x0 in enumerate(x0s):
- x, dx = xs[i], dxs[i]
- T1 &= Eq(dx, x - x0)
- T2 = T1.project_out(T0.symbols)
- T3_eqs = []
- T3_ins = []
- for T2_eq in T2.equalities:
- c = T2_eq.constant
- T3_eq = T2_eq + (k - 1) * c
- T3_eqs.append(T3_eq)
- for T2_in in T2.inequalities:
- c = T2_in.constant
- T3_in = T2_in + (k - 1) * c
- T3_ins.append(T3_in)
- T3 = Polyhedron(T3_eqs, T3_ins)
- T3 &= Ge(k, 0)
- T4 = T3.project_out([k])
- for i, dx in enumerate(dxs):
- x0, x = x0s[i], xs[i]
- T4 &= Eq(dx, x - x0)
- T4 = T4.project_out(dxs)
- return T4
-i0, j0, i, j = symbols(['i', 'j', "i'", "j'"])
-T = Eq(i, i0 + 2) & Eq(j, j0 + 1)
-print('T =', T)
-Tstar = affine_derivative_closure(T, [i0, j0])
-print('T* =', Tstar)
+class Transformer:
+ def __new__(cls, polyhedron, range_symbols, domain_symbols):
+ self = object().__new__(cls)
+ self.polyhedron = polyhedron
+ self.range_symbols = range_symbols
+ self.domain_symbols = domain_symbols
+ return self
+ @property
+ def symbols(self):
+ return self.range_symbols + self.domain_symbols
+ def star(self):
+ delta_symbols = [symbol.asdummy() for symbol in self.range_symbols]
+ k = Dummy('k')
+ polyhedron = self.polyhedron
+ for x, xprime, dx in zip(self.range_symbols, self.domain_symbols, delta_symbols):
+ polyhedron &= Eq(dx, xprime - x)
+ polyhedron = polyhedron.project(self.symbols)
+ equalities, inequalities = [], []
+ for equality in polyhedron.equalities:
+ equality += (k-1) * equality.constant
+ equalities.append(equality)
+ for inequality in polyhedron.inequalities:
+ inequality += (k-1) * inequality.constant
+ inequalities.append(inequality)
+ polyhedron = Polyhedron(equalities, inequalities) & Ge(k, 0)
+ polyhedron = polyhedron.project([k])
+ for x, xprime, dx in zip(self.range_symbols, self.domain_symbols, delta_symbols):
+ polyhedron &= Eq(dx, xprime - x)
+ polyhedron = polyhedron.project(delta_symbols)
+ return Transformer(polyhedron, self.range_symbols, self.domain_symbols)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ i, iprime, j, jprime = symbols("i i' j j'")
+ transformer = Transformer(Eq(iprime, i + 2) & Eq(jprime, j + 1),
+ [i, j], [iprime, jprime])
+ print('T =', transformer.polyhedron)
+ print('T* =', transformer.star().polyhedron)
+# Copyright 2014 MINES ParisTech