+# Copyright 2014 MINES ParisTech
+# This file is part of Linpy.
+# Linpy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Linpy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Linpy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import functools
import math
from . import islhelper
from .islhelper import mainctx, libisl
-from .geometry import GeometricObject
-from .coordinates import Point
-from .linexprs import Expression, Symbol, Rational
+from .geometry import GeometricObject, Point
+from .linexprs import Expression, Rational
from .domains import Domain
def equalities(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of the equalities in a set.
+ """
return self._equalities
def inequalities(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of the inequalities in a set.
+ """
return self._inequalities
def constraints(self):
+ """
+ Return ta list of the constraints of a set.
+ """
return self._constraints
return self,
def disjoint(self):
+ """
+ Return a set as disjoint.
+ """
return self
def isuniverse(self):
+ """
+ Return true if a set is the Universe set.
+ """
islbset = self._toislbasicset(self.equalities, self.inequalities,
universe = bool(libisl.isl_basic_set_is_universe(islbset))
return universe
def aspolyhedron(self):
+ """
+ Return polyhedral hull of a set.
+ """
return self
def __contains__(self, point):
return True
def subs(self, symbol, expression=None):
+ """
+ Subsitute the given value into an expression and return the resulting
+ expression.
+ """
equalities = [equality.subs(symbol, expression)
for equality in self.equalities]
inequalities = [inequality.subs(symbol, expression)
for inequality in self.inequalities]
return Polyhedron(equalities, inequalities)
+ def _asinequalities(self):
+ inequalities = list(self.equalities)
+ inequalities.extend([-expression for expression in self.equalities])
+ inequalities.extend(self.inequalities)
+ return inequalities
+ def widen(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, Polyhedron):
+ raise ValueError('argument must be a Polyhedron instance')
+ inequalities1 = self._asinequalities()
+ inequalities2 = other._asinequalities()
+ inequalities = []
+ for inequality1 in inequalities1:
+ if other <= Polyhedron(inequalities=[inequality1]):
+ inequalities.append(inequality1)
+ for inequality2 in inequalities2:
+ for i in range(len(inequalities1)):
+ inequalities3 = inequalities1[:i] + inequalities[i + 1:]
+ inequalities3.append(inequality2)
+ polyhedron3 = Polyhedron(inequalities=inequalities3)
+ if self == polyhedron3:
+ inequalities.append(inequality2)
+ break
+ return Polyhedron(inequalities=inequalities)
def _fromislbasicset(cls, islbset, symbols):
islconstraints = islhelper.isl_basic_set_constraints(islbset)
return domain
def __repr__(self):
- if self.isempty():
- return 'Empty'
- elif self.isuniverse():
- return 'Universe'
+ strings = []
+ for equality in self.equalities:
+ strings.append('Eq({}, 0)'.format(equality))
+ for inequality in self.inequalities:
+ strings.append('Ge({}, 0)'.format(inequality))
+ if len(strings) == 1:
+ return strings[0]
- strings = []
- for equality in self.equalities:
- strings.append('0 == {}'.format(equality))
- for inequality in self.inequalities:
- strings.append('0 <= {}'.format(inequality))
- if len(strings) == 1:
- return strings[0]
- else:
- return 'And({})'.format(', '.join(strings))
+ return 'And({})'.format(', '.join(strings))
+ def _repr_latex_(self):
+ strings = []
+ for equality in self.equalities:
+ strings.append('{} = 0'.format(equality._repr_latex_().strip('$')))
+ for inequality in self.inequalities:
+ strings.append('{} \\ge 0'.format(inequality._repr_latex_().strip('$')))
+ return '$${}$$'.format(' \\wedge '.join(strings))
def fromsympy(cls, expr):
+ """
+ Convert a sympy object to an expression.
+ """
domain = Domain.fromsympy(expr)
if not isinstance(domain, Polyhedron):
raise ValueError('non-polyhedral expression: {!r}'.format(expr))
return domain
def tosympy(self):
+ """
+ Return an expression as a sympy object.
+ """
import sympy
constraints = []
for equality in self.equalities:
constraints.append(sympy.Ge(inequality.tosympy(), 0))
return sympy.And(*constraints)
- @classmethod
- def _sort_polygon_2d(cls, points):
- if len(points) <= 3:
- return points
- o = sum((Vector(point) for point in points)) / len(points)
- o = Point(o.coordinates())
- angles = {}
- for m in points:
- om = Vector(o, m)
- dx, dy = (coordinate for symbol, coordinates in om.coordinates())
- angle = math.atan2(dy, dx)
- angles[m] = angle
- return sorted(points, key=angles.get)
- @classmethod
- def _sort_polygon_3d(cls, points):
- if len(points) <= 3:
- return points
- o = sum((Vector(point) for point in points)) / len(points)
- o = Point(o.coordinates())
- a, b = points[:2]
- oa = Vector(o, a)
- ob = Vector(o, b)
- norm_oa = oa.norm()
- u = (oa.cross(ob)).asunit()
- angles = {a: 0.}
- for m in points[1:]:
- om = Vector(o, m)
- normprod = norm_oa * om.norm()
- cosinus = oa.dot(om) / normprod
- sinus = u.dot(oa.cross(om)) / normprod
- angle = math.acos(cosinus)
- angle = math.copysign(angle, sinus)
- angles[m] = angle
- return sorted(points, key=angles.get)
- def plot(self):
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from matplotlib.path import Path
- import matplotlib.patches as patches
- if len(self.symbols)> 3:
- raise TypeError
- elif len(self.symbols) == 2:
- verts = self.vertices()
- points = []
- codes = [Path.MOVETO]
- for vert in verts:
- pairs = ()
- for sym in sorted(vert, key=Symbol.sortkey):
- num = vert.get(sym)
- pairs = pairs + (num,)
- points.append(pairs)
- points.append((0.0, 0.0))
- num = len(points)
- while num > 2:
- codes.append(Path.LINETO)
- num = num - 1
- else:
- codes.append(Path.CLOSEPOLY)
- path = Path(points, codes)
- fig = plt.figure()
- ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
- patch = patches.PathPatch(path, facecolor='blue', lw=2)
- ax.add_patch(patch)
- ax.set_xlim(-5,5)
- ax.set_ylim(-5,5)
- plt.show()
+class EmptyType(Polyhedron):
+ __slots__ = Polyhedron.__slots__
+ def __new__(cls):
+ self = object().__new__(cls)
+ self._equalities = (Rational(1),)
+ self._inequalities = ()
+ self._constraints = self._equalities
+ self._symbols = ()
+ self._dimension = 0
+ return self
+ def widen(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, Polyhedron):
+ raise ValueError('argument must be a Polyhedron instance')
+ return other
- elif len(self.symbols)==3:
- return 0
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Empty'
+ def _repr_latex_(self):
+ return '$$\\emptyset$$'
+Empty = EmptyType()
+class UniverseType(Polyhedron):
+ __slots__ = Polyhedron.__slots__
+ def __new__(cls):
+ self = object().__new__(cls)
+ self._equalities = ()
+ self._inequalities = ()
+ self._constraints = ()
+ self._symbols = ()
+ self._dimension = ()
+ return self
- return points
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Universe'
+ def _repr_latex_(self):
+ return '$$\\Omega$$'
+Universe = UniverseType()
def _polymorphic(func):
def wrapper(left, right):
- if isinstance(left, numbers.Rational):
- left = Rational(left)
- elif not isinstance(left, Expression):
- raise TypeError('left must be a a rational number '
- 'or a linear expression')
- if isinstance(right, numbers.Rational):
- right = Rational(right)
- elif not isinstance(right, Expression):
- raise TypeError('right must be a a rational number '
- 'or a linear expression')
+ if not isinstance(left, Expression):
+ if isinstance(left, numbers.Rational):
+ left = Rational(left)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError('left must be a a rational number '
+ 'or a linear expression')
+ if not isinstance(right, Expression):
+ if isinstance(right, numbers.Rational):
+ right = Rational(right)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError('right must be a a rational number '
+ 'or a linear expression')
return func(left, right)
return wrapper
def Lt(left, right):
+ """
+ Assert first set is less than the second set.
+ """
return Polyhedron([], [right - left - 1])
def Le(left, right):
+ """
+ Assert first set is less than or equal to the second set.
+ """
return Polyhedron([], [right - left])
def Eq(left, right):
+ """
+ Assert first set is equal to the second set.
+ """
return Polyhedron([left - right], [])
def Ne(left, right):
+ """
+ Assert first set is not equal to the second set.
+ """
return ~Eq(left, right)
def Gt(left, right):
+ """
+ Assert first set is greater than the second set.
+ """
return Polyhedron([], [left - right - 1])
def Ge(left, right):
+ """
+ Assert first set is greater than or equal to the second set.
+ """
return Polyhedron([], [left - right])
-Empty = Eq(1, 0)
-Universe = Polyhedron([])