class Polyhedron(Domain):
A convex polyhedron (or simply "polyhedron") is the space defined by a
- system of linear equalities and inequalities. This space can be
- unbounded.
+ system of linear equalities and inequalities. This space can be unbounded. A
+ Z-polyhedron (simply called "polyhedron" in LinPy) is the set of integer
+ points in a convex polyhedron.
__slots__ = (
return 'And({})'.format(', '.join(strings))
- def _repr_latex_(self):
- strings = []
- for equality in self.equalities:
- strings.append('{} = 0'.format(equality._repr_latex_().strip('$')))
- for inequality in self.inequalities:
- strings.append('{} \\ge 0'.format(inequality._repr_latex_().strip('$')))
- return '$${}$$'.format(' \\wedge '.join(strings))
def fromsympy(cls, expr):
domain = Domain.fromsympy(expr)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Empty'
- def _repr_latex_(self):
- return '$$\\emptyset$$'
Empty = EmptyType()
def __repr__(self):
return 'Universe'
- def _repr_latex_(self):
- return '$$\\Omega$$'
Universe = UniverseType()