X-Git-Url: https://svn.cri.ensmp.fr/git/linpy.git/blobdiff_plain/841943174bb4d3b602e8e055592d8b54d1bb086d..9431c353bd39a1fbb855580ee34931a07321a0f1:/Makefile

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 4ab5d2a..28c927f 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,18 +1,38 @@
+SETUP=$(PYTHON) setup.py
 RM=rm -rf
 .PHONY: default
-	@echo "pypol - A polyhedral library based on ISL"
+	@echo "$(NAME) – A polyhedral library based on ISL"
 	@echo "Makefile usage:"
+	@echo "  make build            build the extension modules"
 	@echo "  make test             run the test suite"
+	@echo "  make doc              generate the documentation"
+	@echo "  make view_doc         open the documentation index"
 	@echo "  make clean            remove the generated files"
+.PHONY: build
+	$(SETUP) build_ext --inplace
 .PHONY: test
-	$(PYTHON) -m unittest
+test: build
+	$(PYTHON) -m unittest -v
+.PHONY: doc
+	$(MAKE) -C doc html
+.PHONY: view_doc
+view_doc: doc
+	xdg-open doc/_build/html/index.html >/dev/null 2>&1
 .PHONY: clean
-	$(RM) build dist MANIFEST pypol/__pycache__ tests/__pycache__
+	$(RM) build dist MANIFEST venv $(NAME).egg-info $(NAME)/_islhelper.*.so
+	find . -name __pycache__ | xargs $(RM)
+	$(MAKE) -C doc $@