X-Git-Url: https://svn.cri.ensmp.fr/git/linpy.git/blobdiff_plain/dba7d8fa774455d02d3cd3e0ab740fa9a727e4bb..c5ec50e02bb591e2ce3b28131424d21c02255f3b:/pypol/domains.py?ds=sidebyside

diff --git a/pypol/domains.py b/pypol/domains.py
index 45040c8..28ce533 100644
--- a/pypol/domains.py
+++ b/pypol/domains.py
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ import re
 from fractions import Fraction
 from . import islhelper
-from .islhelper import mainctx, libisl, isl_set_basic_sets
+from .islhelper import mainctx, libisl
+from .geometry import GeometricObject, Point
 from .linexprs import Expression, Symbol
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ __all__ = [
-class Domain:
+class Domain(GeometricObject):
     __slots__ = (
@@ -27,14 +28,14 @@ class Domain:
     def __new__(cls, *polyhedra):
         from .polyhedra import Polyhedron
         if len(polyhedra) == 1:
-            polyhedron = polyhedra[0]
-            if isinstance(polyhedron, str):
-                return cls.fromstring(polyhedron)
-            elif isinstance(polyhedron, Polyhedron):
-                return polyhedron
+            argument = polyhedra[0]
+            if isinstance(argument, str):
+                return cls.fromstring(argument)
+            elif isinstance(argument, GeometricObject):
+                return argument.aspolyhedron()
                 raise TypeError('argument must be a string '
-                    'or a Polyhedron instance')
+                    'or a GeometricObject instance')
             for polyhedron in polyhedra:
                 if not isinstance(polyhedron, Polyhedron):
@@ -66,11 +67,17 @@ class Domain:
         return self._dimension
     def disjoint(self):
+        """
+        Returns this set as disjoint.
+        """
         islset = self._toislset(self.polyhedra, self.symbols)
         islset = libisl.isl_set_make_disjoint(mainctx, islset)
         return self._fromislset(islset, self.symbols)
     def isempty(self):
+        """
+        Returns true if this set is an Empty set.
+        """
         islset = self._toislset(self.polyhedra, self.symbols)
         empty = bool(libisl.isl_set_is_empty(islset))
@@ -80,18 +87,27 @@ class Domain:
         return not self.isempty()
     def isuniverse(self):
+        """
+        Returns true if this set is the Universe set.
+        """
         islset = self._toislset(self.polyhedra, self.symbols)
         universe = bool(libisl.isl_set_plain_is_universe(islset))
         return universe
     def isbounded(self):
+        """
+        Returns true if this set is bounded.
+        """
         islset = self._toislset(self.polyhedra, self.symbols)
         bounded = bool(libisl.isl_set_is_bounded(islset))
         return bounded
     def __eq__(self, other):
+        """
+        Returns true if two sets are equal.
+        """
         symbols = self._xsymbols([self, other])
         islset1 = self._toislset(self.polyhedra, symbols)
         islset2 = other._toislset(other.polyhedra, symbols)
@@ -101,6 +117,9 @@ class Domain:
         return equal
     def isdisjoint(self, other):
+        """
+        Return True if two sets have a null intersection.
+        """
         symbols = self._xsymbols([self, other])
         islset1 = self._toislset(self.polyhedra, symbols)
         islset2 = self._toislset(other.polyhedra, symbols)
@@ -110,6 +129,9 @@ class Domain:
         return equal
     def issubset(self, other):
+        """
+        Report whether another set contains this set.
+        """
         symbols = self._xsymbols([self, other])
         islset1 = self._toislset(self.polyhedra, symbols)
         islset2 = self._toislset(other.polyhedra, symbols)
@@ -119,9 +141,15 @@ class Domain:
         return equal
     def __le__(self, other):
+        """
+        Returns true if this set is less than or equal to another set.
+        """
         return self.issubset(other)
     def __lt__(self, other):
+        """
+        Returns true if this set is less than another set.
+        """
         symbols = self._xsymbols([self, other])
         islset1 = self._toislset(self.polyhedra, symbols)
         islset2 = self._toislset(other.polyhedra, symbols)
@@ -131,30 +159,43 @@ class Domain:
         return equal
     def complement(self):
+        """
+        Returns the complement of this set.
+        """
         islset = self._toislset(self.polyhedra, self.symbols)
         islset = libisl.isl_set_complement(islset)
         return self._fromislset(islset, self.symbols)
     def __invert__(self):
+        """
+        Returns the complement of this set.
+        """
         return self.complement()
     def simplify(self):
-        #does not change anything in any of the examples
-        #isl seems to do this naturally
+        """
+        Returns a set without redundant constraints.
+        """
         islset = self._toislset(self.polyhedra, self.symbols)
         islset = libisl.isl_set_remove_redundancies(islset)
         return self._fromislset(islset, self.symbols)
     def aspolyhedron(self):
-        # several types of hull are available
-        # polyhedral seems to be the more appropriate, to be checked
+        """
+        Returns polyhedral hull of set.
+        """
         from .polyhedra import Polyhedron
         islset = self._toislset(self.polyhedra, self.symbols)
         islbset = libisl.isl_set_polyhedral_hull(islset)
         return Polyhedron._fromislbasicset(islbset, self.symbols)
+    def asdomain(self):
+        return self
     def project(self, dims):
-        # use to remove certain variables
+        """
+        Return new set with given dimensions removed.
+        """
         islset = self._toislset(self.polyhedra, self.symbols)
         n = 0
         for index, symbol in reversed(list(enumerate(self.symbols))):
@@ -169,6 +210,9 @@ class Domain:
         return Domain._fromislset(islset, dims)
     def sample(self):
+        """
+        Returns a single subset of the input.
+        """
         islset = self._toislset(self.polyhedra, self.symbols)
         islpoint = libisl.isl_set_sample_point(islset)
         if bool(libisl.isl_point_is_void(islpoint)):
@@ -184,6 +228,9 @@ class Domain:
         return point
     def intersection(self, *others):
+        """
+         Return the intersection of two sets as a new set.
+        """
         if len(others) == 0:
             return self
         symbols = self._xsymbols((self,) + others)
@@ -194,9 +241,15 @@ class Domain:
         return self._fromislset(islset1, symbols)
     def __and__(self, other):
+        """
+         Return the intersection of two sets as a new set.
+        """
         return self.intersection(other)
     def union(self, *others):
+        """
+        Return the union of sets as a new set.
+        """
         if len(others) == 0:
             return self
         symbols = self._xsymbols((self,) + others)
@@ -207,12 +260,21 @@ class Domain:
         return self._fromislset(islset1, symbols)
     def __or__(self, other):
+        """
+        Return a new set with elements from both sets.
+        """
         return self.union(other)
     def __add__(self, other):
+        """
+        Return new set containing all elements in both sets.
+        """
         return self.union(other)
     def difference(self, other):
+        """
+        Return the difference of two sets as a new set.
+        """
         symbols = self._xsymbols([self, other])
         islset1 = self._toislset(self.polyhedra, symbols)
         islset2 = other._toislset(other.polyhedra, symbols)
@@ -220,26 +282,39 @@ class Domain:
         return self._fromislset(islset, symbols)
     def __sub__(self, other):
+        """
+        Return the difference of two sets as a new set.
+        """
         return self.difference(other)
     def lexmin(self):
+        """
+        Return a new set containing the lexicographic minimum of the elements in the set.
+        """
         islset = self._toislset(self.polyhedra, self.symbols)
         islset = libisl.isl_set_lexmin(islset)
         return self._fromislset(islset, self.symbols)
     def lexmax(self):
+        """
+        Return a new set containing the lexicographic maximum of the elements in the set.
+        """
         islset = self._toislset(self.polyhedra, self.symbols)
         islset = libisl.isl_set_lexmax(islset)
         return self._fromislset(islset, self.symbols)
     def num_parameters(self):
-        #could be useful with large, complicated polyhedrons
+        """
+        Return the total number of parameters, input, output or set dimensions.
+        """
         islbset = self._toislbasicset(self.equalities, self.inequalities, self.symbols)
         num = libisl.isl_basic_set_dim(islbset, libisl.isl_dim_set)
         return num
     def involves_dims(self, dims):
-        #could be useful with large, complicated polyhedrons
+        """
+        Returns true if set depends on given dimensions.
+        """
         islset = self._toislset(self.polyhedra, self.symbols)
         dims = sorted(dims)
         symbols = sorted(list(self.symbols))
@@ -260,15 +335,19 @@ class Domain:
     _RE_COORDINATE = re.compile(r'\((?P<num>\-?\d+)\)(/(?P<den>\d+))?')
     def vertices(self):
-        #returning list of verticies
+        """
+        Return a list of vertices for this Polygon.
+        """
         from .polyhedra import Polyhedron
+        if not self.isbounded():
+            raise ValueError('domain must be bounded')
         islbset = self._toislbasicset(self.equalities, self.inequalities, self.symbols)
         vertices = libisl.isl_basic_set_compute_vertices(islbset);
         vertices = islhelper.isl_vertices_vertices(vertices)
         points = []
         for vertex in vertices:
             expr = libisl.isl_vertex_get_expr(vertex)
-            point = {}
+            coordinates = []
             if islhelper.isl_version < '0.13':
                 constraints = islhelper.isl_basic_set_constraints(expr)
                 for constraint in constraints:
@@ -280,8 +359,9 @@ class Domain:
                         coefficient = islhelper.isl_val_to_int(coefficient)
                         if coefficient != 0:
                             coordinate = -Fraction(constant, coefficient)
-                            point[symbol]= coordinate
+                            coordinates.append((symbol, coordinate))
                 # horrible hack, find a cleaner solution
                 string = islhelper.isl_multi_aff_to_str(expr)
                 matches = self._RE_COORDINATE.finditer(string)
@@ -290,11 +370,14 @@ class Domain:
                     denominator = match.group('den')
                     denominator = 1 if denominator is None else int(denominator)
                     coordinate = Fraction(numerator, denominator)
-                    point[symbol] = coordinate
-            points.append(point)
+                    coordinates.append((symbol, coordinate))
+            points.append(Point(coordinates))
         return points
     def points(self):
+        """
+        Returns the points contained in the set.
+        """
         if not self.isbounded():
             raise ValueError('domain must be bounded')
         from .polyhedra import Universe, Eq
@@ -302,15 +385,21 @@ class Domain:
         islpoints = islhelper.isl_set_points(islset)
         points = []
         for islpoint in islpoints:
-            point = {}
+            coordinates = {}
             for index, symbol in enumerate(self.symbols):
                 coordinate = libisl.isl_point_get_coordinate_val(islpoint,
                     libisl.isl_dim_set, index)
                 coordinate = islhelper.isl_val_to_int(coordinate)
-                point[symbol] = coordinate
-            points.append(point)
+                coordinates[symbol] = coordinate
+            points.append(Point(coordinates))
         return points
+    def __contains__(self, point):
+        for polyhedron in self.polyhedra:
+            if point in polyhedron:
+                return True
+        return False
     def subs(self, symbol, expression=None):
         polyhedra = [polyhedron.subs(symbol, expression)
             for polyhedron in self.polyhedra]
@@ -320,7 +409,7 @@ class Domain:
     def _fromislset(cls, islset, symbols):
         from .polyhedra import Polyhedron
         islset = libisl.isl_set_remove_divs(islset)
-        islbsets = isl_set_basic_sets(islset)
+        islbsets = islhelper.isl_set_basic_sets(islset)
         polyhedra = []
         for islbset in islbsets:
@@ -428,6 +517,12 @@ class Domain:
         strings = [repr(polyhedron) for polyhedron in self.polyhedra]
         return 'Or({})'.format(', '.join(strings))
+    def _repr_latex_(self):
+        strings = []
+        for polyhedron in self.polyhedra:
+            strings.append('({})'.format(polyhedron._repr_latex_().strip('$')))
+        return '${}$'.format(' \\vee '.join(strings))
     def fromsympy(cls, expr):
         import sympy
@@ -452,6 +547,9 @@ class Domain:
 def And(*domains):
+    """
+    Return the intersection of two sets as a new set.
+    """
     if len(domains) == 0:
         from .polyhedra import Universe
         return Universe
@@ -459,6 +557,9 @@ def And(*domains):
         return domains[0].intersection(*domains[1:])
 def Or(*domains):
+    """
+    Return the union of sets as a new set.
+    """
     if len(domains) == 0:
         from .polyhedra import Empty
         return Empty
@@ -466,4 +567,7 @@ def Or(*domains):
         return domains[0].union(*domains[1:])
 def Not(domain):
+    """
+    Returns the complement of this set.
+    """
     return ~domain