+ for measureNode in self.node.getElementsByTagName('measure') :
+ measureNotes = []
+ # iteration sur les notes
+ # divisions de la noire
+ divisions = int(_getNodeValue(measureNode, 'attributes/divisions', divisions))
+ for noteNode in measureNode.getElementsByTagName('note') :
+ note = Note(noteNode, divisions, previous)
+ if not note.isRest :
+ measureNotes.append(note)
+ if previous :
+ previous.next = note
+ else :
+ previous.addDuration(note)
+ continue
+ previous = note
+ self.notes.extend(measureNotes)
+ # barres de reprises
+ try :
+ barlineNode = measureNode.getElementsByTagName('barline')[0]
+ except IndexError :
+ continue
+ barline = Barline(barlineNode, measureNotes)
+ if barline.repeat :
+ self.repeats.append(barline)
+ def _findChorus(self):
+ """ le refrain correspond aux notes pour lesquelles
+ il n'existe q'une seule syllable attachée.
+ """
+ start = stop = None
+ for i, note in enumerate(self.notes) :
+ ll = len(note.lyrics)
+ if start is None and ll == 1 :
+ start = i
+ elif start is not None and ll > 1 :
+ stop = i
+ break
+ self.chorus = self.notes[start:stop]
+ def _findVersesLoops(self) :
+ "recherche des couplets / boucles"
+ verse = self.verses[0]
+ for note in self.notes[:-1] :
+ verse.append(note)
+ ll = len(note.lyrics)
+ nll = len(note.next.lyrics)
+ if ll != nll :
+ verse = []
+ self.verses.append(verse)
+ verse.append(self.notes[-1])
+ def iterNotes(self, indefinitely=True) :
+ "exécution de la chanson avec l'alternance couplets / refrains"
+ print 'indefinitely', indefinitely
+ if indefinitely == False :
+ iterable = self.verses
+ else :
+ iterable = cycle(self.verses)
+ for verse in iterable :
+ print "---partie---"
+ repeats = len(verse[0].lyrics)
+ if repeats > 1 :
+ for i in range(repeats) :
+ # couplet
+ print "---couplet%d---" % i
+ for note in verse :
+ yield note, i
+ # refrain
+ print "---refrain---"
+ for note in self.chorus :
+ yield note, 0
+ else :
+ for note in verse :
+ yield note, 0
+ def pprint(self) :
+ for note, verseIndex in self.iterNotes(indefinitely=False) :
+ print note, note.lyrics[verseIndex]
+ def assignNotesFromMidiNoteNumbers(self):
+ # TODO faire le mapping bande hauteur midi
+ for i in range(len(self.midiNoteNumbers)):
+ noteInExtendedScale = 0
+ while self.midiNoteNumbers[i] > self.scale[noteInExtendedScale] and noteInExtendedScale < len(self.scale)-1:
+ noteInExtendedScale += 1
+ if self.midiNoteNumbers[i]<self.scale[noteInExtendedScale]:
+ noteInExtendedScale -= 1
+ self.notes.append(noteInExtendedScale)
+class Barline(object) :
+ def __init__(self, node, measureNotes) :
+ self.node = node
+ location = self.location = node.getAttribute('location') or 'right'
+ try :
+ repeatN = node.getElementsByTagName('repeat')[0]
+ repeat = {'direction' : repeatN.getAttribute('direction'),
+ 'times' : int(repeatN.getAttribute('times') or 1)}
+ if location == 'left' :
+ repeat['note'] = measureNotes[0]
+ elif location == 'right' :
+ repeat['note'] = measureNotes[-1]
+ else :
+ raise ValueError(location)
+ self.repeat = repeat
+ except IndexError :
+ self.repeat = None