from pgu.gui import FileDialog
+import pgu.gui.basic as basic
+import pgu.gui.input as input
+import pgu.gui.button as button
+import pgu.gui.pguglobals as pguglobals
+import pgu.gui.table as table
+import pgu.gui.area as area
+from pgu.gui.const import *
+from pgu.gui.dialog import Dialog
import os
+import tempfile
from xml.etree import ElementTree
+from minwii.musicxml import musicXml2Song
+INDEX_TXT = 'index.txt'
class FileOpenDialog(FileDialog):
def __init__(self, path):
- FileDialog.__init__(self,
- title_txt="Ouvrir une chanson",
- button_txt="Ouvrir",
- path=path,
- )
+ cls1 = 'filedialog'
+ if not path: self.curdir = os.getcwd()
+ else: self.curdir = path
+ self.dir_img = basic.Image(
+ pguglobals.app.theme.get(cls1+'.folder', '', 'image'))
+ td_style = {'padding_left': 4,
+ 'padding_right': 4,
+ 'padding_top': 2,
+ 'padding_bottom': 2}
+ self.title = basic.Label("Ouvrir un chanson", cls="dialog.title.label")
+ self.body = table.Table()
+ self.list = area.List(width=700, height=250)
+ self.input_dir = input.Input()
+ self.input_file = input.Input()
+ self._current_sort = 'alpha'
+ self._list_dir_()
+ self.button_ok = button.Button("Ouvrir")
+ self.button_sort_alpha = button.Button("A-Z")
+ self.button_sort_alpha.connect(CLICK, self._set_current_sort_, 'alpha')
+ self.button_sort_num = button.Button("0-9")
+ self.button_sort_num.connect(CLICK, self._set_current_sort_, 'num')
+ self.body.tr()
+ self.body.td(basic.Label("Dossier"), style=td_style, align=-1)
+ self.body.td(self.input_dir, style=td_style)
+ self.body.td(self.button_sort_alpha)
+ self.body.td(self.button_sort_num)
+ self.body.tr()
+ self.body.td(self.list, colspan=4, style=td_style)
+ self.list.connect(CHANGE, self._item_select_changed_, None)
+ self.button_ok.connect(CLICK, self._button_okay_clicked_, None)
+ self.body.tr()
+ self.body.td(basic.Label("Fichier"), style=td_style, align=-1)
+ self.body.td(self.input_file, style=td_style)
+ self.body.td(self.button_ok, style=td_style, colspan=2)
+ self.value = None
+ Dialog.__init__(self, self.title, self.body)
+# FileDialog.__init__(self,
+# title_txt="Ouvrir une chanson",
+# button_txt="Ouvrir",
+# path=path,
+# )
+# self.list.style.width = 700
+# self.list.style.height = 250
def _list_dir_(self):
self.input_dir.value = self.curdir
for i in dirs:
self.list.add(i, image=self.dir_img, value=i)
+ xmlFiles = []
for i in files:
- if not i.endswith('.xml') :
+ if not i.endswith('.xml') :
filepath = os.path.join(self.curdir, i)
- self.list.add(FileOpenDialog.getSongTitle(filepath), value=i)
+ xmlFiles.append(filepath)
+ # self.list.add(FileOpenDialog.getSongTitle(filepath), value=i)
+ if xmlFiles :
+ printableLines = self.getPrintableLines(xmlFiles)
+ for l in printableLines :
+ self.list.add(l[0], value = l[1])
+ def getPrintableLines(self, xmlFiles) :
+ index = self.getUpdatedIndex(xmlFiles)
+ printableLines = []
+ for l in index :
+ l = l.strip()
+ l = l.split('\t')
+ printableLines.append(('%s - %s / %s' % (l[2], l[3], l[4]), l[0]))
+ return printableLines
def getSongTitle(file) :
it = ElementTree.iterparse(file, ['start', 'end'])
creditFound = False
+ title = os.path.basename(file)
for evt, el in it :
if el.tag == 'credit' :
creditFound = True
if el.tag == 'credit-words' and creditFound:
- return el.text.encode('iso-8859-1')
+ title = el.text
+ break
if el.tag == 'part-list' :
- # plus de chance de trouver un titre
- return os.path.basename(file)
\ No newline at end of file
+ # au delà de ce tag : aucune chance de trouver un titre
+ break
+ return title
+ @staticmethod
+ def getSongMetadata(file) :
+ metadata = {}
+ metadata['title'] = FileOpenDialog.getSongTitle(file).encode('iso-8859-1')
+ metadata['mtime'] = str(os.stat(file).st_mtime)
+ metadata['file'] = os.path.basename(file)
+ song = musicXml2Song(file)
+ metadata['distinctNotes'] = len(song.distinctNotes)
+ histo = song.intervalsHistogram
+ coeffInter = reduce(lambda a, b : a + b,
+ [abs(k) * v for k, v in histo.items()])
+ totInter = reduce(lambda a, b: a+b, histo.values())
+ totInter = totInter - histo.get(0, 0)
+ difficulty = int(round(float(coeffInter) / totInter, 0))
+ metadata['difficulty'] = difficulty
+ return metadata
+ def getUpdatedIndex(self, xmlFiles) :
+ indexTxtPath = os.path.join(self.curdir, INDEX_TXT)
+ index = []
+ if not os.path.exists(indexTxtPath) :
+ musicXmlFound = False
+ tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='r+')
+ for file in xmlFiles :
+ try :
+ metadata = FileOpenDialog.getSongMetadata(file)
+ musicXmlFound = True
+ except ValueError, e :
+ print e
+ if e.args and e.args[0] == 'not a musicxml file' :
+ continue
+ line = '%(file)s\t%(mtime)s\t%(title)s\t%(distinctNotes)d\t%(difficulty)d\n' % metadata
+ index.append(line)
+ tmp.write(line)
+ if musicXmlFound :
+ tmp.seek(0)
+ indexFile = open(indexTxtPath, 'w')
+ indexFile.write(tmp.read())
+ indexFile.close()
+ tmp.close()
+ else :
+ indexedFiles = {}
+ indexTxt = open(indexTxtPath, 'r')
+ # check if index is up to date, and update entries if so.
+ for l in filter(None, indexTxt.readlines()) :
+ parts = l.split('\t')
+ fileBaseName, modificationTime = parts[0], parts[1]
+ filePath = os.path.join(self.curdir, fileBaseName)
+ if not os.path.exists(filePath) :
+ continue
+ indexedFiles[fileBaseName] = l
+ currentMtime = str(os.stat(filePath).st_mtime)
+ # check modification time missmatch
+ if currentMtime != modificationTime :
+ try :
+ metadata = FileOpenDialog.getSongMetadata(filePath)
+ musicXmlFound = True
+ except ValueError, e :
+ print e
+ if e.args and e.args[0] == 'not a musicxml file' :
+ continue
+ metadata = FileOpenDialog.getSongMetadata(filePath)
+ line = '%(file)s\t%(mtime)s\t%(title)s\t%(distinctNotes)d\t%(difficulty)d\n' % metadata
+ indexedFiles[fileBaseName] = line
+ # check for new files.
+ for file in xmlFiles :
+ fileBaseName = os.path.basename(file)
+ if not indexedFiles.has_key(fileBaseName) :
+ try :
+ metadata = FileOpenDialog.getSongMetadata(filePath)
+ musicXmlFound = True
+ except ValueError, e :
+ print e
+ if e.args and e.args[0] == 'not a musicxml file' :
+ continue
+ metadata = FileOpenDialog.getSongMetadata(file)
+ line = '%(file)s\t%(mtime)s\t%(title)s\t%(distinctNotes)d\t%(difficulty)d\n' % metadata
+ indexedFiles[fileBaseName] = line
+ # ok, the index is up to date !
+ index = indexedFiles.values()
+ if self._current_sort == 'alpha' :
+ def s(a, b) :
+ da = desacc(a.split('\t')[2]).lower()
+ db = desacc(b.split('\t')[2]).lower()
+ return cmp(da, db)
+ elif self._current_sort == 'num' :
+ def s(a, b) :
+ da = int(a.split('\t')[3])
+ db = int(b.split('\t')[3])
+ return cmp(da, db)
+ else :
+ s = cmp
+ index.sort(s)
+ return index
+ def _set_current_sort_(self, arg) :
+ self._current_sort = arg
+ self.list.clear()
+ self._list_dir_()
+# utils
+from unicodedata import decomposition
+from string import printable
+_printable = dict([(c, True) for c in printable])
+isPrintable = _printable.has_key
+def _recurseDecomposition(uc):
+ deco = decomposition(uc).split()
+ fullDeco = []
+ if deco :
+ while (deco) :
+ code = deco.pop()
+ if code.startswith('<') :
+ continue
+ c = unichr(int(code, 16))
+ subDeco = decomposition(c).split()
+ if subDeco :
+ deco.extend(subDeco)
+ else :
+ fullDeco.append(c)
+ fullDeco.reverse()
+ else :
+ fullDeco.append(uc)
+ fullDeco = u''.join(filter(lambda c : isPrintable(c), fullDeco))
+ return fullDeco
+def desacc(s) :
+ us = s.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
+ ret = []
+ for uc in us :
+ ret.append(_recurseDecomposition(uc))
+ return u''.join(ret)
\ No newline at end of file