-class Column(pygame.sprite.DirtySprite, EventHandlerMixin) :
- def __init__(self, group, hue, rect, tone) :
- pygame.sprite.DirtySprite.__init__(self, group)
- self.state = False
- # nom de l'intonation
- self.tone = tone
- toneName = FONT.render(tone.nom, True, (0,0,0))
- # état off : surface unie et nom de l'intonation
- sur = pygame.surface.Surface(rect.size)
- rgba = hls_to_rgba_8bits(hue, OFF_LUMINANCE, OFF_SATURATION)
- sur.fill(rgba)
- w, h = rect.w, rect.h
- tw, th, = toneName.get_size()
- toneRect = pygame.Rect(((w - tw) / 2, h - th), (tw, th))
- sur.blit(toneName, toneRect)
- self.surOff = sur
- self.rectOff = rect
- # état on : surface dégradée avec nom de la note avec largeur agrandie
- topRgba = hls_to_rgba_8bits(hue, ON_TOP_LUMINANCE, ON_SATURATION, ON_COLUMN_ALPHA)
- bottomRgba = hls_to_rgba_8bits(hue, ON_BOTTOM_LUMINANCE, ON_SATURATION, ON_COLUMN_ALPHA)
- onWidth = rect.width * ON_COLUMN_OVERSIZING
- onLeft = rect.centerx - onWidth / 2
- rectOn = pygame.Rect((onLeft, 0),
- (onWidth, rect.height))
- self.surOn = gradients.vertical(rectOn.size, topRgba, bottomRgba)
- w, h = rectOn.w, rectOn.h
- toneRect = pygame.Rect(((w - tw) / 2, h - th), (tw, th))
- self.surOn.blit(toneName, toneRect)
- self.rectOn = rectOn
- self.image = self.surOff
- self.rect = rect
- #EventDispatcher.addEventListener(pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, self.onMouseDown)
- #EventDispatcher.addEventListener(pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP, self.onMouseUp)
- def update(self, state, syllabus='') :
- group = self.groups()[0]
- if state == self.state :
- # no changes
- return
- if state :
- group.change_layer(self, FOREGROUND_LAYER)
- sur = self.surOn
- if syllabus :
- sur = sur.copy()
- renderedSyl = FONT.render(syllabus, True, (0,0,0))
- sw, sh, = renderedSyl.get_size()
- w, h = self.rectOn.w, self.rectOn.h
- sylRect = pygame.Rect(((w - sw) / 2, (h - sh) / 2), (sw, sh))
- sur.blit(renderedSyl, sylRect)
- self.image = sur
- self.rect = self.rectOn
- else :
- group.change_layer(self, BACKGROUND_LAYER)
- self.image = self.surOff
- self.rect = self.rectOff
- self.state = state
- self.dirty = 1
- @event_handler(pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
- def onMouseDown(self, event) :
- if self.rect.collidepoint(*event.pos) :
- self.update(True)
- self.raiseNoteOn()
- @event_handler(pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP)
- def onMouseUp(self, event) :
- self.update(False)
- self.raiseNoteOff()
- def raiseNoteOn(self) :
- evt = pygame.event.Event(events.NOTEON, tone=self.tone)
- pygame.event.post(evt)
- def raiseNoteOff(self) :
- evt = pygame.event.Event(events.NOTEOFF, tone=self.tone)
- pygame.event.post(evt)
-def hls_to_rgba_8bits(h, l, s, a=1) :
- #convert to rgb ranging from 0 to 255
- rgba = [floor(255 * i) for i in hls_to_rgb(h, l, s) + (a,)]
- return tuple(rgba)
+#class Column(pygame.sprite.DirtySprite, EventHandlerMixin) :
+# def __init__(self, group, hue, rect, tone) :
+# pygame.sprite.DirtySprite.__init__(self, group)
+# self.state = False
+# # nom de l'intonation
+# self.tone = tone
+# toneName = FONT.render(tone.nom, True, (0,0,0))
+# # état off : surface unie et nom de l'intonation
+# sur = pygame.surface.Surface(rect.size)
+# rgba = hls_to_rgba_8bits(hue, OFF_LUMINANCE, OFF_SATURATION)
+# sur.fill(rgba)
+# w, h = rect.w, rect.h
+# tw, th, = toneName.get_size()
+# toneRect = pygame.Rect(((w - tw) / 2, h - th), (tw, th))
+# sur.blit(toneName, toneRect)
+# self.surOff = sur
+# self.rectOff = rect
+# # état on : surface dégradée avec nom de la note avec largeur agrandie
+# topRgba = hls_to_rgba_8bits(hue, ON_TOP_LUMINANCE, ON_SATURATION, ON_COLUMN_ALPHA)
+# bottomRgba = hls_to_rgba_8bits(hue, ON_BOTTOM_LUMINANCE, ON_SATURATION, ON_COLUMN_ALPHA)
+# onWidth = rect.width * ON_COLUMN_OVERSIZING
+# onLeft = rect.centerx - onWidth / 2
+# rectOn = pygame.Rect((onLeft, 0),
+# (onWidth, rect.height))
+# self.surOn = gradients.vertical(rectOn.size, topRgba, bottomRgba)
+# w, h = rectOn.w, rectOn.h
+# toneRect = pygame.Rect(((w - tw) / 2, h - th), (tw, th))
+# self.surOn.blit(toneName, toneRect)
+# self.rectOn = rectOn
+# self.image = self.surOff
+# self.rect = rect
+# #EventDispatcher.addEventListener(pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, self.onMouseDown)
+# #EventDispatcher.addEventListener(pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP, self.onMouseUp)
+# def update(self, state, syllabus='') :
+# group = self.groups()[0]
+# if state == self.state :
+# # no changes
+# return
+# if state :
+# group.change_layer(self, FOREGROUND_LAYER)
+# sur = self.surOn
+# if syllabus :
+# sur = sur.copy()
+# renderedSyl = FONT.render(syllabus, True, (0,0,0))
+# sw, sh, = renderedSyl.get_size()
+# w, h = self.rectOn.w, self.rectOn.h
+# sylRect = pygame.Rect(((w - sw) / 2, (h - sh) / 2), (sw, sh))
+# sur.blit(renderedSyl, sylRect)
+# self.image = sur
+# self.rect = self.rectOn
+# else :
+# group.change_layer(self, BACKGROUND_LAYER)
+# self.image = self.surOff
+# self.rect = self.rectOff
+# self.state = state
+# self.dirty = 1
+# @event_handler(pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
+# def onMouseDown(self, event) :
+# if self.rect.collidepoint(*event.pos) :
+# self.update(True)
+# self.raiseNoteOn()
+# @event_handler(pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP)
+# def onMouseUp(self, event) :
+# self.update(False)
+# self.raiseNoteOff()
+# def raiseNoteOn(self) :
+# evt = pygame.event.Event(events.NOTEON, tone=self.tone)
+# pygame.event.post(evt)
+# def raiseNoteOff(self) :
+# evt = pygame.event.Event(events.NOTEOFF, tone=self.tone)
+# pygame.event.post(evt)
+#def hls_to_rgba_8bits(h, l, s, a=1) :
+# #convert to rgb ranging from 0 to 255
+# rgba = [floor(255 * i) for i in hls_to_rgb(h, l, s) + (a,)]
+# return tuple(rgba)
\ No newline at end of file