X-Git-Url: https://svn.cri.ensmp.fr/git/minwii.git/blobdiff_plain/d3b1dcc8991d9b0110133abe6eeb43f69848a78d..8a654eb43381bf77f3bade5a228809c90217d291:/src/minwii/app.py?ds=inline

diff --git a/src/minwii/app.py b/src/minwii/app.py
index e249c70..c56700a 100755
--- a/src/minwii/app.py
+++ b/src/minwii/app.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ $URL$
 import pygame
+from pgu.gui import Theme
 from pgu.gui import Desktop
 from pgu.gui import QUIT
 from minwii.widgets.launch import LaunchScreen
@@ -20,6 +21,15 @@ from minwii.config import SONG_FILE_PATH
 from minwii.config import SCREEN_RESOLUTION
 from minwii.globals import PLAYING_MODES_DICT
 from minwii.log import console, LOG_FORMAT_VERSION, envLogger
+import os.path
+wiiuse = None
+pygame_wiimouse = None
+SCREEN_HOME         = 0
+SCREEN_PLAY         = 2
 class MinWii(object):
@@ -29,26 +39,60 @@ class MinWii(object):
         self.wiimoteSupport = wiimoteSupport
         self.fullscreen = fullscreen
-        self.app = Desktop()
+        themedir = __file__.split(os.path.sep)[:-1] + ['widgets', 'data', 'minwii_theme']
+        themedir = os.path.sep.join(themedir)
+        theme = Theme(themedir)
+        self.app = Desktop(theme=theme)
         self.synth = Synth()
         self.screenResolution = SCREEN_RESOLUTION
         envLogger.info('résolution écran : %s', self.screenResolution)
         self.nwiimotes = 0
         self.firstSong = True
+        self.screen = SCREEN_HOME
+        self.playingScreen = None
     def initWiimotes(self) :
         if self.wiimoteSupport :
+            global wiiuse
+            from pywiiuse import PyWiiUse as wiiuse
+            global pygame_wiimouse
             from pywiiuse import pygame_wiimouse
             from minwii.config import IR_POSITION
-            pygame_wiimouse.init(4, 5, self.screenResolution, IR_POSITION) # look for 4, wait 5 seconds
+            pygame_wiimouse.init(5, 5, self.screenResolution, IR_POSITION) # look for 5, wait 5 seconds
             self.nwiimotes = nwiimotes = pygame_wiimouse.get_count()
             console.debug('wiimotes found : %d', nwiimotes)
             self.WT = WT = pygame_wiimouse.WT
+            WT.setEventCallBack(self._wiimotesEventCallBack)
         else :
             self.WT = _WTFacade()
+    def _wiimotesEventCallBack(self, wt, id, wmp) :
+        if self.screen == SCREEN_PLAY :
+            pygame_wiimouse._default_event_cb(wt, id, wmp)
+            wm = wmp[0]
+            if id == self.nwiimotes - 1 :
+                # le bouton Home de la télécommande permet de sortir
+                # (envoi d'un événement clavier « q »)
+                if wiiuse.is_just_pressed(wm, wiiuse.button['Home']) :
+                    event = pygame.event.Event(pygame.KEYDOWN,
+                                               key = pygame.K_q,
+                                               unicode = u'q')
+                    pygame.event.post(event)
+                elif wiiuse.is_just_pressed(wm, wiiuse.button['+']) :
+                    self.synth.inc_gain()
+                elif wiiuse.is_just_pressed(wm, wiiuse.button['-']) :
+                    self.synth.dec_gain()
+                elif wiiuse.is_just_pressed(wm, wiiuse.button['1']) and self.playingScreen :
+                    self.playingScreen.tempoTrimUp()
+                elif wiiuse.is_just_pressed(wm, wiiuse.button['2']) and self.playingScreen :
+                    self.playingScreen.tempoTrimDown()
+        elif self.screen in (SCREEN_HOME, SCREEN_INSTRUMENTS) :
+            pygame_wiimouse._full_mouse_event_cb(wt, id, wmp)
     def run(self) :
         "séquençage de l'affichage des écrans"
         displayFlags = 0
@@ -61,21 +105,22 @@ class MinWii(object):
         songFile, playMode, wiimoteIndex = '', 'NORMAL', 0
         while True :
+            WT.resume()
+            WT.selectWiimote(self.nwiimotes - 1) # la télécommande est la souris
+            self.screen = SCREEN_HOME
             exit, songFile, playMode, wiimoteIndex = \
                 self.selectSongAndOptions(songFile, playMode, wiimoteIndex)
             if exit : break
-            WT.selectWiimote(wiimoteIndex)
-            WT.resume()
+            self.screen = SCREEN_INSTRUMENTS
             instrumentDescription = self.selectInstrument()
             if not instrumentDescription :
-                WT.pause()
+            self.screen = SCREEN_PLAY
+            WT.selectWiimote(wiimoteIndex)
             self.runPlayingScreen(songFile, playMode, instrumentDescription)
@@ -142,15 +187,19 @@ class MinWii(object):
             avec l'instrument midi 'instrumentDescription'.
         playMode = PLAYING_MODES_DICT[playMode]
-        song = musicXml2Song(songFile)
         bank, preset = instrumentDescription['bank'], instrumentDescription['preset']
         octave = instrumentDescription['octave']
         self.synth.adjust_octave(0, octave)
         self.synth.program_select(0, bank, preset)
-        playingScreen = SongPlayingScreen(self.synth, song, mode=playMode)
+        if playMode == PLAYING_MODES_DICT['IMPRO'] :
+            playingScreen = PlayingScreen(self.synth)
+        else :
+            song = musicXml2Song(songFile)
+            self.playingScreen = playingScreen = SongPlayingScreen(self.synth, song, mode=playMode)
+        self.playingScreen = None
 class _WTFacade :