X-Git-Url: https://svn.cri.ensmp.fr/git/minwii.git/blobdiff_plain/df5d8b30328acae3ba500882f50888644dbc0e32..778613ffd2c0d8e7cf9088923b4aad9d734f5064:/src/minwii/widgets/songfilebrowser.py

diff --git a/src/minwii/widgets/songfilebrowser.py b/src/minwii/widgets/songfilebrowser.py
index 119a2f1..cfa3022 100755
--- a/src/minwii/widgets/songfilebrowser.py
+++ b/src/minwii/widgets/songfilebrowser.py
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ $Id$
+import pygame
+from pygame.locals import K_RETURN
 from pgu.gui import FileDialog
 import pgu.gui.basic as basic
 import pgu.gui.input as input
@@ -22,6 +24,7 @@ from xml.etree import ElementTree
 from minwii.musicxml import musicXml2Song
 INDEX_TXT = 'index.txt'
 class FileOpenDialog(FileDialog):
@@ -42,10 +45,13 @@ class FileOpenDialog(FileDialog):
         self.list = area.List(width=700, height=250)
         self.input_dir = input.Input()
         self.input_file = input.Input()
+        self._current_sort = 'alpha'
         self.button_ok = button.Button("Ouvrir")
         self.button_sort_alpha = button.Button("A-Z")
+        self.button_sort_alpha.connect(CLICK, self._set_current_sort_, 'alpha')
         self.button_sort_num = button.Button("0-9")
+        self.button_sort_num.connect(CLICK, self._set_current_sort_, 'num')
         self.body.td(basic.Label("Dossier"), style=td_style, align=-1)
         self.body.td(self.input_dir, style=td_style)
@@ -54,6 +60,8 @@ class FileOpenDialog(FileDialog):
         self.body.td(self.list, colspan=4, style=td_style)
         self.list.connect(CHANGE, self._item_select_changed_, None)
+        #self.list.connect(CLICK, self._check_dbl_click_, None)
+        self._last_time_click = pygame.time.get_ticks()
         self.button_ok.connect(CLICK, self._button_okay_clicked_, None)
         self.body.td(basic.Label("Fichier"), style=td_style, align=-1)
@@ -62,14 +70,7 @@ class FileOpenDialog(FileDialog):
         self.value = None
         Dialog.__init__(self, self.title, self.body)
-#        FileDialog.__init__(self, 
-#                            title_txt="Ouvrir une chanson",
-#                            button_txt="Ouvrir",
-#                            path=path,
-#                            )
-#        self.list.style.width = 700
-#        self.list.style.height = 250
     def _list_dir_(self):
         self.input_dir.value = self.curdir
         self.input_dir.pos = len(self.curdir)
@@ -97,12 +98,26 @@ class FileOpenDialog(FileDialog):
             filepath = os.path.join(self.curdir, i)
-            # self.list.add(FileOpenDialog.getSongTitle(filepath), value=i)
         if xmlFiles :
             printableLines = self.getPrintableLines(xmlFiles)
             for l in printableLines :
-                self.list.add(l[0], value = l[1])
+                imgpath = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(self.curdir, l[1]))[0] + '.jpg'
+                if os.path.exists(imgpath) :
+                    img = pygame.image.load(imgpath)
+                    iw, ih = img.get_width(), img.get_height()
+                    style = {}
+                    if iw > ih :
+                        style['width'] = PICTURE_ITEM_SIZE
+                        style['height'] = PICTURE_ITEM_SIZE * float(ih) / iw
+                    else :
+                        style['heigth'] = PICTURE_ITEM_SIZE
+                        style['width'] = PICTURE_ITEM_SIZE * float(iw) / ih
+                    img = basic.Image(img, style=style)
+                    self.list.add(l[0], value = l[1], image = img)
+                else :
+                    self.list.add(l[0], value = l[1])
@@ -230,8 +245,78 @@ class FileOpenDialog(FileDialog):
             # ok, the index is up to date !
             index = indexedFiles.values()
-            index.sort()
+        if self._current_sort == 'alpha' :
+            def s(a, b) :
+                da = desacc(a.split('\t')[2]).lower()
+                db = desacc(b.split('\t')[2]).lower()
+                return cmp(da, db)
+        elif self._current_sort == 'num' :
+            def s(a, b) :
+                da = int(a.split('\t')[3])
+                db = int(b.split('\t')[3])
+                return cmp(da, db)
+        else :
+            s = cmp
+        index.sort(s)
         return index
\ No newline at end of file
+    def _set_current_sort_(self, arg) :
+        self._current_sort = arg
+        self.list.clear()
+        self._list_dir_()
+    def _check_dbl_click_(self, arg) :
+        if pygame.time.get_ticks() - self._last_time_click < 300 :
+            self._button_okay_clicked_(None)
+        else :
+            self._last_time_click = pygame.time.get_ticks()
+    def event(self, e) :
+        FileDialog.event(self, e)
+        if e.type == CLICK and \
+           e.button == 1 and \
+           self.list.rect.collidepoint(e.pos) :
+            self._check_dbl_click_(e)
+        if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_RETURN :
+            self._button_okay_clicked_(None)
+# utils
+from unicodedata import decomposition
+from string import printable
+_printable = dict([(c, True) for c in printable])
+isPrintable = _printable.has_key
+def _recurseDecomposition(uc):
+    deco = decomposition(uc).split()
+    fullDeco = []
+    if deco :
+        while (deco) :
+            code = deco.pop()
+            if code.startswith('<') :
+                continue
+            c = unichr(int(code, 16))
+            subDeco = decomposition(c).split()
+            if subDeco :
+                deco.extend(subDeco)
+            else :
+                fullDeco.append(c)
+        fullDeco.reverse()
+    else :
+        fullDeco.append(uc)
+    fullDeco = u''.join(filter(lambda c : isPrintable(c), fullDeco))
+    return fullDeco
+def desacc(s, encoding='iso-8859-1') :
+    us = s.decode(encoding, 'ignore')
+    ret = []
+    for uc in us :
+        ret.append(_recurseDecomposition(uc))
+    return u''.join(ret)
\ No newline at end of file