+% Patch the sectioning commands to provide a hook to be used later
+% \@sect is called with normal sectioning commands
+% Argument #8 to \@sect is the title
+% Thus \section{Title} will do \gdef\sectiontitle{Title}
+ {\expandafter\gdef\leveltitle{#8}}
+ {}{}
+% \@ssect is called with *-sectioning commands
+% Argument #5 to \@ssect is the title
+ {\expandafter\gdef\leveltitle{#5}}
+ {}{}
+% \@chapter is called by \chapter (without *)
+% Argument #2 to \@chapter is the title
+ {\expandafter\gdef\leveltitle{#2}}
+ {}{}
+% \@schapter is called with \chapter*
+% Argument #1 to \@schapter is the title
+ {\expandafter\gdef\leveltitle{#1}}
+ {}{}
+\newcommand{\PIPSPass}{Pass Name in \PIPS : }
+\newcommand{\PIPSExamples}{Validation folder in \PIPS : }
+\newcommand{\BookRef}{Reference: }
+\title{\PIPS~--- List of code transformations}