+'''Access to the Wiimote in pygame
+I tried to mimic the Joystick interface already in pygame.
+The usuage pattern is
+init the module telling it the maximum number of wiimotes and the timeout
+get_count to determine how many you got
+Wiimote(n) to get an object referencing the nth wiimote
+Free for any use. If you or your lawyer are stupid enough to believe I have any liability for
+this, then don't use it; otherwise be my guest.
+Gary Bishop January 2008
+import pygame
+from threading import Thread
+from Queue import Queue, Empty
+import time
+# events to use. Is there a way to get ones known to be unused?
+base = pygame.USEREVENT
+WIIMOTE_ACCEL = base + 3
+WIIMOTE_IR = base + 4
+NUNCHUK_ACCEL = base + 7
+NUNCHUK_JOY = base + 8
+WIIMOTE_STATUS = base + 9
+wiiuse = None # import within the thread, why do I have to do this?
+class wiimote_thread(Thread):
+ '''Manage the wiiuse interface'''
+ def __init__(self, nmotes=1, timeout=5):
+ Thread.__init__(self, name='wiimote')
+ self.queue = Queue()
+ self.startup = Queue()
+ self.nmotes = nmotes
+ self.timeout = timeout
+ self.setDaemon(1)
+ self.start()
+ self.startup.get(True) # wait for the thread to get started and acquire the motes
+ def run(self):
+ '''This runs in a separate thread'''
+ global wiiuse
+ import PyWiiUse as wiiuse # import here to avoid thread problems on windows
+ self.wiimotes = wiiuse.init(self.nmotes, range(self.nmotes), self.event_cb,
+ self.control_cb, self.disconnect_cb)
+ found = wiiuse.find(self.wiimotes, self.nmotes, self.timeout)
+ self.actual_nmotes = wiiuse.connect(self.wiimotes, self.nmotes)
+ for i in range(self.nmotes):
+ wiiuse.set_leds(self.wiimotes[i], wiiuse.LED[i])
+ self.go = self.actual_nmotes != 0
+ self.startup.put(self.go)
+ while self.go:
+ try:
+ wiiuse.poll(self.wiimotes, self.nmotes)
+ except:
+ pass
+ # allow executing functions in this thread
+ while True:
+ try:
+ func, args = self.queue.get_nowait()
+ except Empty:
+ break
+ func(*args)
+ def do(self, func, *args):
+ '''Run the function in the thread handling the wiimote'''
+ self.queue.put((func, args))
+ def event_cb(self, wmp):
+ '''Called when the library has some data for the user.'''
+ wm = wmp[0]
+ if wm.btns:
+ for name,b in wiiuse.button.items():
+ if wiiuse.is_just_pressed(wm, b):
+ pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(WIIMOTE_BUTTON_PRESS, button=name,
+ time=time.time(),
+ id=wm.unid))
+ if wm.btns_released:
+ for name,b in wiiuse.button.items():
+ if wiiuse.is_released(wm, b):
+ pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(WIIMOTE_BUTTON_RELEASE, button=name,
+ time=time.time(),
+ id=wm.unid))
+ if wiiuse.using_acc(wm):
+ pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(WIIMOTE_ACCEL,
+ orient=(wm.orient.roll, wm.orient.pitch,
+ wm.orient.yaw),
+ accel=(wm.gforce.x, wm.gforce.y, wm.gforce.z),
+ time=time.time(),
+ id=wm.unid))
+ if wiiuse.using_ir(wm):
+ dots = [ (wm.ir.dot[i].visible, wm.ir.dot[i].x, wm.ir.dot[i].y) for i in range(4) ]
+ pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(WIIMOTE_IR,
+ dots=dots,
+ cursor=(wm.ir.x, wm.ir.y, wm.ir.z),
+ time=time.time(),
+ id=wm.unid))
+ if wm.exp.type == wiiuse.EXP_NUNCHUK:
+ nc = wm.exp.u.nunchuk
+ for name,b in wiiuse.nunchuk_button.items():
+ if wiiuse.is_just_pressed(nc, b):
+ pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(NUNCHUK_BUTTON_PRESS, button=name,
+ time=time.time(),
+ id=wm.unid))
+ elif wiiuse.is_released(nc, b):
+ pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(NUNCHUK_BUTTON_RELEASE, button=name,
+ time=time.time(),
+ id=wm.unid))
+ pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(NUNCHUK_ACCEL,
+ orient=(nc.orient.roll, nc.orient.pitch,
+ nc.orient.yaw),
+ accel=(nc.gforce.x, nc.gforce.y, nc.gforce.z),
+ time=time.time(),
+ id=wm.unid))
+ pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(NUNCHUK_JOY,
+ angle=nc.js.ang,
+ mag=nc.js.mag,
+ time=time.time(),
+ id=wm.unid))
+ def control_cb(self, wmp, attachment, speaker, ir, led, battery):
+ '''Could check the battery level and such here'''
+ pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(WIIMOTE_STATUS,
+ attachment=attachment,
+ speaker=speaker,
+ ir=ir,
+ led=[led[i] for i in range(4)],
+ battery=battery,
+ id=wmp[0].unid))
+ def disconnect_cb(self, wmp):
+ '''What should we do here?'''
+ pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(WIIMOTE_DISCONNECT,
+ id=wmp[0].unid))
+ def quit(self):
+ '''Go away.'''
+ for i in range(self.nmotes):
+ wiiuse.set_leds(self.wiimotes[i], 0)
+ wiiuse.disconnect(self.wiimotes[i])
+ self.go = False
+WT = None
+def init(nmotes, timeout):
+ '''Initialize the module.'''
+ global WT
+ if WT:
+ return
+ WT = wiimote_thread(nmotes, timeout)
+def get_count():
+ '''How many Wiimotes were found?'''
+ return WT.actual_nmotes
+def quit():
+ '''Gracefully shutdown the connection and turn off the wiimote leds'''
+ WT.quit()
+ WT.join()
+class wiimote(object):
+ '''Object representing a Wiimote'''
+ def __init__(self, n):
+ self.wm = WT.wiimotes[n]
+ def enable_leds(self, m):
+ '''Control leds. The lower 4 bits map to the 4 leds'''
+ WT.do(wiiuse.set_leds, self.wm, sum([wiiuse.LED[i] for i in range(4) if m & (1<<i)]))
+ def enable_rumble(self, on):
+ '''Control rumble'''
+ WT.do(wiiuse.rumble, self.wm, on)
+ def enable_accels(self, on):
+ '''Control reporting of accelerometer data.'''
+ WT.do(wiiuse.motion_sensing, self.wm, on)
+ def enable_ir(self, on, vres=None, position=None, aspect=None):
+ '''Control reporting IR data.'''
+ WT.do(wiiuse.set_ir, self.wm, on)
+ if vres is not None:
+ WT.do(wiiuse.set_ir_vres, self.wm, vres)
+ if position is not None:
+ WT.do(wiiuse.set_ir_position, self.wm, position)
+ if aspect is not None:
+ WT.do(wiiuse.set_aspect_ratio, self.wm, aspect)
+ def set_flags(self, smoothing=None, continuous=None, threshold=None):
+ enable = disable = 0
+ if smoothing is not None:
+ if smoothing:
+ enable |= wiiuse.SMOOTHING
+ else:
+ disable |= wiiuse.SMOOTHING
+ if continuous is not None:
+ if continuous:
+ enable |= wiiuse.CONTINUOUS
+ else:
+ disable |= wiiuse.CONTINUOUS
+ if threshold is not None:
+ if threshold:
+ enable |= wiiuse.ORIENT_THRESH
+ else:
+ disable |= wiiuse.ORIENT_THRESH
+ print enable, disable
+ WT.do(wiiuse.set_flags, self.wm, enable, disable)
+ def set_orient_thresh(self, thresh):
+ '''Set orientation threshold'''
+ WT.do(wiiuse.set_orient_threshold, self.wm, thresh)
+ def status(self):
+ '''Trigger a status callback.'''
+ WT.do(wiiuse.status, self.wm)
+ def disconnect(self):
+ '''Disconnect this Wiimote'''
+ WT.do(wiiuse.disconnect(self.wm))
+def Wiimote(n):
+ '''Get the object for the nth Wiimote'''
+ return wiimote(n)